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Profile | Civic Europe

Community development

Jiloca, caring for the caregivers

Women, care & rural. We aim to encourage a discussion on the feminisation of care work and whether it is related to the prevalence of traditional gender roles in rural communities. We would like to a…
Social inclusion

KíNISI - Intercultural Networks

The reality of a refugee camp is one of suspended time and inactivity. This is worsened by the intolerant context in which it is often inserted. Kinisi project, based in Corinth, aims to tackle these…
Community development


La Ciudad Imaginada (LCI) is a meeting space which critically and creatively tackles the transformation process of cities. It comprises two major lines of activity: a citizen’s laboratory where Valla…
Social inclusion

La Mare que Va – a unique opportuniy for inclusion

The main idea of LMQV is the labour insertion of people with Down’s syndrome and intelectual disability through a training and visibility project. The main objetctive is to facilitate continuous lea…
Social inclusion

LAR project - Love and Respect in rural Portugal

Doctors of the World Portugal will join LAR project to provide healthcare and health education actions to 4 refugees and migrant families and 25 seniors residents of Ima village, center of Portugal. …
Community development


This is a pilot project. A social experiment is conducted in 3 small settlements with a high level of Roma population on the territory of Northwestern Bulgaria. The experiment develops and tests a pr…
Social inclusion

League of Fair Play Football

Our vision is to build a society where fair-play is played on and off the pitch. To do so, we transform the football pitch into a platform for dialogue, self-development and conflict prevention. Imag…
Social inclusion

League of Local Heroes

Society can’t grow without strong civic actors. Their absence leads to increasing inequalities and exclusion of some groups. Social capital is wasted, trust isn’t fostered. Many NGOs working in towns…
Community development

Learning democracy from children

Living democracy in our schools positively influences children and their future but it also affects their parents and other very diverse members of our local communities. As our experience has shown…
25.05.2020 now watches idea "Deep in Europe"