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Profile | Civic Europe

Social inclusion | Community development

Everybody Needs SomeBuddy

Our goal is to empower migrants to become an engaged part of the civil society and to create a safe space where migrants and locals can meet each other, gain better mutual understanding, improve inte…
Social inclusion


What does the word stranger means?Is that a matter of birth place?Nationality?Culture?Conditions? We'll ask those questions to the young people belonging to the foreigner communities of the city. The…
Environment and sustainability


Real-world interactions often force us to confront diversity and lead to reduce intergroup prejudices. Living in social bubbles, and avoid confrontation of values cause the collapse of the sense of c…
Arts and cultural activities | Environment and sustainability

Festival Verão Azul and community projects

The anthropocene concept in known as a geological concept but today it has to be seen as a prismatic concept that involves economy and social issues, besides the environmental ones. With these projec…
Community development

Fight 4 light

Platoniq, with the support of the platform DECIDIM, will develop a co-creation process about energy supplies with the inhabitants of two neighborhoods in Girona, a town in the northeastern part of Ca…
Arts and cultural activities

Filmic bridges

Living in diversity is getting difficult as the social polarization grows. In at least 4 Polish towns, a series of debates on contentious topics in mixed groups beyond the division lines will take pl…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development


Our goal is to set up a meeting place, where we can promote the famous bagpipers folkore of Jedlove Kostolany and to motivate young people to continue in this tradition to make it live as long as pos…
Arts and cultural activities | Environment and sustainability

Folklore’s not dead: Inspiring heritage caretakers

South Moravia is the last resort of traditional dress, customs and folk art practices within the Czech Republic giving it a strong sense of local distinctiveness. Exploring this unique opportunity, “…
Social inclusion | Community development

Food banking development in the town of Vratsa.

Bulgarian food bank operates since 2012. We aim to further develop our operation by starting food banking operation in the town of Vratsa, which is a central town in the North West region of Bulgari…
25.05.2020 now watches idea "Deep in Europe"