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Profile ZLATI ZLATEV | Civic Europe



Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Music Academy for Success

The aim of the initiative is to overcome the challenges that young people face due to their difficulties in communicating in Bulgarian and developing communicational skills in English through the Art…
Social inclusion | Community development


"Distintos" is a short film of social character, which was born from ASINDOWN. The objective of Distintos Educa is to transform the vision of children from small municipalities, through schools as a…


The “New” project address the gap in Civic Education (CE) for adults in disadvantaged situation .
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

FactoryGarden / GyárKert

GyárKert is a long-term community art project, initiated by the habitants of a marginalized district of Budapest. We define our project as 'cross sector co-commissioning', as it relies on a joint cur…
Environment and sustainability

Empathy Academy

The issue in the field of animal rights protection is often underestimated and perceived as a marginal issue not affecting everyone. At the same time, it is a matter of protecting the public interest…
Community development

Covid-19 Response Integrated Support (CRIS)

In the frame of the CRIS project we shall enhance of the system of decentralized bottom-up and civic support for health services addressing COVID-19 pandemic. CRIS project capitalizes on the proven e…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Revival Traditions ❤️ 👑

Our project is focused to the use of Cultural Heritage and Natural Resources in Continuing Traditions. Our goal is to make a connection between the capital, small towns and villages,to strengthen rur…

Markovo Children's Education Project

The Government education system in Bulgaria does not encourage critical thinking by children. Students are fed a daily diet of “correct” official facts and an official one dimensional perspective on …
Social inclusion | Community development

Born to be a reader

The aim of our project is to inform families with children 0-5 years old, especially those living at risk of poverty and social exclusion, on the benefits of reading to their children, encourage them…
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Senior Card Bieszczady
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Trailblazers: Local LGBT+ Activists and Allies
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Urban Green
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Resocialization of convicts with family&society
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Civic Diet. Democracy needs citizens
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Economic education of seniors - I use I'm safe
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Community activation through volunteering
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Digital Parcel
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Covid-19 Response Integrated Support (CRIS)
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Community invigorated by selforganizing horse club