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Profile ZLATI ZLATEV | Civic Europe



Environment and sustainability | Community development

Project incubator for young

Project incubator for youth is an informal educational project. There will be prepared one-week workshop –an incubator for solidary project, where youth from 4 countries will work together on 5 solid…
Community development

rISeUp North-East!

Our main challenge is to develop youth organizations in the northeast region of Romania, through capacity building trainings and digital instruments for engaging youth with the public sector in a sus…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development


Our goal is to set up a meeting place, where we can promote the famous bagpipers folkore of Jedlove Kostolany and to motivate young people to continue in this tradition to make it live as long as pos…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Intentional eco-communities for rural transition

It’s not just about an eco-village. Inspired by best practices of intentional communities since decades, we know it’s time to make them actual in Poland - responding to local conditions and global qu…
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

Biochar Educational Project

Act locally, think globally. We will train and create a dynamic network of 600 Biochar ambassadors in Girona formed by young people aged 12-18 and users of social gardens at risk of exclusion who wan…
Community development

University of civic engagement

Urban and peri-urban areas have a social isolation challenge, that affect especially disadvantages communities. Mutual learning spaces are academies where citizens can participate as a teacher or stu…
Social inclusion


We aim to transform the university into a safe and welcoming space for migrants and refugees. We want it to become a tool that improves the employment and future expectations of these people and make…
Arts and cultural activities

Present the Future, Nógrád!

‘Present the Future, Nógrád!’ targets youth in Nógrád, where the educational system fails to offer perspective leading to social and political apathy and a negative attitude towards learning, partici…
Arts and cultural activities | Environment and sustainability

UrJu preserving urban green through body awareness

With tools from performing arts and alternative educational practices, participants will experience an ecological vigilance. The aim is to get in touch with the local natural ecosystem, change percep…
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Senior Card Bieszczady
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Trailblazers: Local LGBT+ Activists and Allies
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Urban Green
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Resocialization of convicts with family&society
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Civic Diet. Democracy needs citizens
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Economic education of seniors - I use I'm safe
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Community activation through volunteering
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Digital Parcel
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Covid-19 Response Integrated Support (CRIS)
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Community invigorated by selforganizing horse club