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Profile ZLATI ZLATEV | Civic Europe



Community development

Participatory Management of Cañada Real Habitat.

The project aims to ensure a decent habitat through neighbourhood participation in the decision-making about the future of the largest informal neighbourhood in Western Europe. For this, a joint work…
Arts and cultural activities

Participatory Murals about Children's Rights

We want to involve children and youth from towns and villages in Lower Silesia region (Poland) to create murals presenting children's rights. In this way we will not only promote children's rights, b…
Community development

Passing the cultural baton: community bonds

How does the younger generation of Rom community express itself? Is there actual integration? Giving voice, space and opportunity to youngsters-adults of Rom community, creating actual bonds within t…
Community development

Pass it on!

In Socratic Institute we work each year with 20 young leaders from various communities – they get an intensive year-long training and make their own local projects. In this project we want our 140 gr…
Community development

Pathways,strategic corridors for rural development

Recover the territory, population and culture starting from the rehabilitation of the network of pathways and trails of the core and nearby surroundings of Camba (Galicia, Spain) Formulate the theo…
Social inclusion

Pay it Forward

Have you ever watched Pay it Forward? "What does the world want from us?" From that moment Trevor senses a way to change the world and begins to do good actions, asking those who receive them to do i…
Environment and sustainability

Pazin River of Cooperation - Pazin ROCks

PAZIN ROCks is an innovative model of participatory approach that offers a recognition of common values among those with conflicting interests around a local problem, so future cooperation can be bui…
Social inclusion


In a “civic desert” as the outskirt of Rome, we intend to give voice to the citizens and to encourage civic engagement. Through a deliberative method, the Citizens’ Jury, we’ll engage citizens on a …
Social inclusion


PEACEBUILDERS is a hands-on peacebuilding program, where multicultural, cross-generational and gender-inclusive local and refugee children, unaccompanied minors and youth, co-create actions, policies…
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Senior Card Bieszczady
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Trailblazers: Local LGBT+ Activists and Allies
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Urban Green
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Resocialization of convicts with family&society
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Civic Diet. Democracy needs citizens
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Economic education of seniors - I use I'm safe
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Community activation through volunteering
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Digital Parcel
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Covid-19 Response Integrated Support (CRIS)
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Community invigorated by selforganizing horse club