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Profile ZLATI ZLATEV | Civic Europe



Environment and sustainability | Community development

Alternative Camps

Alternative Camps is a program that promotes frugal innovation in the post-pandemic society. It brings together groups of citizens (especially with a migrant background), institutions and local entre…
Social inclusion

Amalab - Creative Integration Laboratory

In Heraklion there are many asylum seekers, migrants and locals excluded from the labor market due to either status or lack of required skills. Few actors exist, integration is done without the quali…
Community development

Ambulance for Monuments

The "Ambulance for Monuments" project targets the safeguarding from collapse and degradation of 4 public endangered buildings owned by rural communities in South Romania. The project mobilizes local …
Arts and cultural activities | Community development


Project was played around different communities in Slovenia in the times of quarantine, to ease our and inhabitants’ anxiety We realized that it is good w…
Social inclusion

An Aware blind person

Persons with visual impairment often choose their social exclusion. Such situation is determined by lack of awareness among sighted people, insufficient self-esteem and also by their passive attitude…
Environment and sustainability

A network for equity and environment

Aim 1: promote knowledge about the link between production/consumption models and climate change, the conservation of the biodiversity, of history and culture of our region, TARGET : farmers, sheph…
Social inclusion


Sighisoara's main point of attraction is the Clock Tower, a two-plate clock, with figurines carved from linden wood,that represent the pagan gods who personified the days of the week: Diane (Monday),…
Social inclusion | Community development

A normal autistic world

The idea is, on one hand, to organize a series of outings in the community for the children and teenagers with autism to better integrate into society and on the other hand meetings and workshops to …
Environment and sustainability

Another Tomorrow

Between investment-oriented tourism and state capture at the local level, there is very little room for public debate on the island of Vis, Croatia, and motivation for civic engagement is low. By bri…
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Senior Card Bieszczady
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Trailblazers: Local LGBT+ Activists and Allies
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Urban Green
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Resocialization of convicts with family&society
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Civic Diet. Democracy needs citizens
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Economic education of seniors - I use I'm safe
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Community activation through volunteering
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Digital Parcel
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Covid-19 Response Integrated Support (CRIS)
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Community invigorated by selforganizing horse club