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Profile ZLATI ZLATEV | Civic Europe



Local partnerships for civic action

In a small town in Romania, in three years of grass-root organizing, Civic Radauti has inspired civic engagement in the surrounding small communities, even in the rural area, winning in just 2 years …
Social inclusion

Local Rainbow Connections

LGBTI people come from all walks of life and live in different local communities. In order to empower them to become active citizens, they need different safer spaces where they can focus on their id…

Loud voices for strong democracy

Now,more than ever,civil society must put their efforts into protecting and promoting the democratic and European values.The project is offering young people from underserved regions access to knowl…
Environment and sustainability

Lovebirds ❤️🐦

Northern Bulgaria is one of the most underdeveloped regions in Europe. Its rich biodiversity and amazing bird life don’t fit the grim picture, yet they remain totally unknown to the local communities…
Arts and cultural activities


LUNGO DROM, in romani, means long journey. This proposal aims at building a long road to democratization of the knowledge about Roma Culture and History in the region. It develops through workshops o…
Community development


For the first time, our maker-space is going to offer a complete educational program that consists of 4 different engineer and artistic disciplines. We want to transmit basic knowledge of fabrication…
Social inclusion


By creating a community internet media and developing journalistic skills among members of ex Yugoslav communities, the project aims to give voice to the different ethnic communities of ex Yugoslavia…

Markovo Children's Education Project

The Government education system in Bulgaria does not encourage critical thinking by children. Students are fed a daily diet of “correct” official facts and an official one dimensional perspective on …
Community development


The challenge is to develop a region as a living organism, integrating its parts so it is able to regenerate. To this end, the objective of our project is to create a MATRIARCHAL social fabric, withi…
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Senior Card Bieszczady
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Trailblazers: Local LGBT+ Activists and Allies
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Urban Green
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Resocialization of convicts with family&society
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Civic Diet. Democracy needs citizens
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Economic education of seniors - I use I'm safe
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Community activation through volunteering
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Digital Parcel
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Covid-19 Response Integrated Support (CRIS)
ZLATI ZLATEV commented: Hello friends from Poland! Thanks to those of you…
on Community invigorated by selforganizing horse club