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Profile Tur Kultur | Civic Europe

Tur Kultur

Tur Kultur

Community development

Rural to be Woman

"Rural to be woman" is a initiative for the visibility of rural women and the encouragement of their active participation. Through co-produced formats, the project provides tools to promote a more co…

Democratic education for active citizens

High schools play a pivotal role in fostering active citizenship. Objective of the project is to develop a civic education programme based on blended learning and learning-by-doing methodologies for …
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

Small actions, big change

Every society encounters problems with poverty. The problem in itself is not poverty’s existence but the community's willingness and efforts aimed towards helping those who need it the most. We offer…
Social inclusion | Community development

Svilengrad Community

One spontaneous born and still non registered organization brought together a group of people who, ignoring prejudice and their own fears were ready to help. Inspired how people from different socia…
Social inclusion | Community development

Connecting Romania

During the pandemic a gap has been created: a gap between the ones that have access to the internet and proper devices and the ones that do not. We want to decrease the gap by ensuring the basic nece…
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

Better Together- growing a sustainable community

The project will be developed in a postwar rural community inhabited by socially excluded persons from different ethnic groups. The municipality is located in one of the poorest Municipalities in Cro…

Progressive community

The main challenge is the low level of participation of citizens in our local community in decision making which will be tackled with implementing the process of participatory budgeting, the process …

Growing 2gether

The joys and responsibilities of parenthood are not shared equally in our society. Within this project we aim to target and put in focus need of shared parenting and caregiving among millenials and b…
Environment and sustainability

ACT NOW-Active citizens for sustainable community

Climate crisis is affecting many Europeans. Although the Europe's energy market is undergoing a transition towards a decentralized model based on renewable energy, such process is not present in Croa…
Tur Kultur commented: Amazing theme of the project, we wish you best of…
on - fertile ground -
Tur Kultur commented: Amazing theme of the project! Greetings from Croa…
on Initiate your sustainable community action project
Tur Kultur commented: Great project idea. Zagreb wish you best of luck …
on Islands
Tur Kultur commented: Very noble theme of the project. We wish you best…
on Empowerment of people with rare forms of diabetes
Tur Kultur commented: We wish you best of luck in accomplishing this pr…
on Small actions, big change