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Profile Tur Kultur | Civic Europe

Tur Kultur

Tur Kultur

Social inclusion | Community development

“Charisma" - Opening Doors for Bright Children

Long-term positive social change requires investing in youth. We will support gifted kids with fewer opportunities to reach their full potential through evidence-based workshops and enrichment activi…
Social inclusion | Community development

Chitalishte in a Box

This initiative addresses the exclusion in scarcely populated villages with no multifunctional public space that allows common age-friendly initiatives. Its objective is to overcome the social distan…
Community development

Civic Aid in Knitting Favorable Boundaries

Knitting boundaries is a platform for raising communication between alienated groups as well as ‘bonding ties’ among them. Individuals who want to start with systematical agriculture production encou…
Social inclusion

Coloured Glasses: Breaking the walls of society

Eastern Europe is marked by deep social inequalities. Simultaneously, young people are developing a sense of civic duty and are interested in becoming active citizens, but they are often not aware of…
Community development

Connecting Roma – Communities for knowledge

Project is dedicated to promote participation of local Roma councillors in municipality councils in the region of Dolenjska and Bela krajina and integration process through activities for Roma youth …
Social inclusion | Community development

Connecting Romania

During the pandemic a gap has been created: a gap between the ones that have access to the internet and proper devices and the ones that do not. We want to decrease the gap by ensuring the basic nece…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Creating community

We seek to promote a joint reflection on coexistence in the rural world that involves all the social groups that comprise it. With the collected opinions, we will create a community Forum Theater sho…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Democracy in a regenerating human ecosystem

In a cultural desert, we create a natural hub, together, to share stories, knowledge, art and practices, to tear down walls between people and co-create a place of thriving abundance for the younges…

Democratic education for active citizens

High schools play a pivotal role in fostering active citizenship. Objective of the project is to develop a civic education programme based on blended learning and learning-by-doing methodologies for …
Tur Kultur commented: Amazing theme of the project, we wish you best of…
on - fertile ground -
Tur Kultur commented: Amazing theme of the project! Greetings from Croa…
on Initiate your sustainable community action project
Tur Kultur commented: Great project idea. Zagreb wish you best of luck …
on Islands
Tur Kultur commented: Very noble theme of the project. We wish you best…
on Empowerment of people with rare forms of diabetes
Tur Kultur commented: We wish you best of luck in accomplishing this pr…
on Small actions, big change