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Profile TASZ-HCLU | Civic Europe



Community development

Voice & Screen for Inaudible and Invisible Groups website, published by a nonprofit organisation, launches a video and podcast channel, which introduces key members of self-organized, autonomous groups operating in West Hungary. We intend …

YOUth Can Make a Change

Active citizenship has a vital role in building and maintaining a democratic society. Whereas a lack of interest and knowledge are predominant reasons for political apathy, fear and group closure can…
Social inclusion | Community development

From the running club to the mothers' club

Gypsy streets are physically separated from the town by only a few hundred meters, but in reality this distance is almost insurmountable. We attempt to involve the isolated communities in the bloodst…
Social inclusion | Community development

A different Bag

Tension, discrimination, intolerance. These words describe the relationship between a Roma settlement and the non-Roma neighborhood in an average Hungarian village. But Bag is different: Bag wants t…
Social inclusion | Community development

Missing Piece

The two camps of romas and hungarians in Gagybátor are facing a new setup with their recently elected roma mayor, wanting to take charge of their village’s life but lacking the experience, knowledge,…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Let music build bridges

A music educational program that empowers communities to overcome their boundaries. We’ll build up a high-quality children’s choir with 60 children, who suffer from segregation, unequal cultural and…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Heroes are close to you!

We bring theater, dramatic heroes to remote communities, bring together Roma and non-Roma communities, support them in finding their local heroes and present them by cooperative art work, in order to…
Social inclusion | Community development

Miskolc shall be a place for everyone!

Miskolc city has a large Roma population, about 30 000 Roma (definite data is not available). About 70% live in segregated, peripheral districts; around one-third of them are not registered residents…
Community development

Citizens' Assembly on the Future of Kisavas

Our proposal is for a radical change to democracy in Miskolc that cuts through partisan politics and ensures quality decisions: let 50 randomly selected local citizens decide together how to develop …
TASZ-HCLU commented: Hello guys! It's really nice to see you here! You…
on Creating slow communities
TASZ-HCLU commented: Hello guys! It's really nice to see you here! You…
on It takes a village to raise a child
TASZ-HCLU commented: Hello guys! It's really nice to see you here! You…
on Walk with Me
TASZ-HCLU commented: Hello guys! It's really nice to see you here! You…
on Youth Empowerment in Rural Area
TASZ-HCLU commented: Dear Autonómia :) It's really nice to see you her…
on From the running club to the mothers' club
TASZ-HCLU commented: Dear Independent Theater Hungary! It's really nic…
on Heroes are close to you!
TASZ-HCLU commented: Hello guys It's really nice to see you here! You …
on Miskolc shall be a place for everyone!
TASZ-HCLU commented: Dear Nyugat team! It's really nice to see you her…
on Voice & Screen for Inaudible and Invisible Groups
TASZ-HCLU commented: Hi :) You are addressing a very important issue t…
on Missing Piece
TASZ-HCLU commented:
on Missing Piece