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Profile SLO-CANIS | Civic Europe


Social inclusion

INITIATIVE 4ALL - Disabled for inclusive Life

INITIATIVE 4ALL - Disabled for inclusive Life will raise awareness, empower disabled (physically handicapped; deaf and hard of hearing; blind and visually impaired) to advocate their rights in local …
Community development | Social inclusion

Old is bold!

The project addresses serious problem of very low social participation of seniors, the inability to use their potential and experience, especially in the field of self-organization and self-advocacy,…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Paws for Thought

In our country of Greece, state funds and health services are inadequate and inconsistent. This results in tensions rising on the allready strained subject of animal welfare. We propose the creation …
Social inclusion

People with dementia: "Help us teach you!"

People with dementia have abilities and the need to be an active participants in society. We can learn a lot from their past knowledge, their preserved abilities, life experiences, and most of all th…
Human rights

Safe, Accessible and Secure Underpasses (SASU)

Underpasses are an integral part of the urban environment nowadays and important elements of the mobility infrastructure. They need to be safe, accessible and secure for everyone, including disabled …
Community development | Social inclusion

Spaces of inclusion and participation

Improving cooperation between civil society and the local community in the use of public spaces and increasing the use of public spaces for social life at the local level through cross-sectoral coope…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

What is your goodwill gesture?

Lack of community spirit, individualism and rise of mental health problems in youngsters provoked us to increase performance of goodwill gestures, raise the morale and sense of community. Activating …
Health | Youth participation and empowerment

Za(upam) si – I trust (dare) myself

There is little long-term oriented psychological support available to young people with their mental health issues, especially to those from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. We wa…
SLO-CANIS commented: Dear colleagues. The team of SLO-CANIS MARIBOR (…
on Dog Field of Hope
SLO-CANIS commented: Dear colleagues. The team of SLO-CANIS MARIBOR (…
on Paws for Thought
SLO-CANIS commented: Dear colleagues. The team of SLO-CANIS MARIBOR (…
on What is your goodwill gesture?
SLO-CANIS commented: Dear colleagues. The team of SLO-CANIS MARIBOR (…
on Safe, Accessible and Secure Underpasses (SASU)
SLO-CANIS commented: Dear colleagues. The team of SLO-CANIS MARIBOR (…
on Za(upam) si – I trust (dare) myself
SLO-CANIS commented: Dear colleagues. The team of SLO-CANIS MARIBOR (…
on Sexuality and Consent in Disability
SLO-CANIS commented: Dear colleagues. The team of SLO-CANIS MARIBOR (…
SLO-CANIS commented: Dear colleagues. The team of SLO-CANIS MARIBOR (…
on Circle of Support
SLO-CANIS commented: Dear colleagues. The team of SLO-CANIS MARIBOR (…
on Before Your Eyes
SLO-CANIS commented: Dear colleagues. The team of SLO-CANIS MARIBOR (T…
on Spaces of inclusion and participation