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Profile SCCNet | Civic Europe



Social inclusion

Citizens of Europe

In a period of strong divisions and mistrust towards the European institutions, the project 'Citizens of Europe' pursues the objective of developing relations between the European Union system and di…
Community development

Closing the Gap: Civic Districts

In Alba County people don’t stay. Tourists come and go, children grow up and leave. With dozens of villages depopulated and almost erased from the map, what could be done to convince the people that …
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Re imagine

Re imagine is a creative concept space,connecting cultural heritage in a way of visual art.And built to work with young people get acquainted with the traditions and culture of Croatia. Focus on crea…
Social inclusion

See You in Agora (See You in Aγορά)

At the Taranto Chamber of Commerce we bring together donor bodies and local associations to finance their ideas, promote Europlanning with seminars on Eu programming and public/private cooperation, v…
Social inclusion


In a “civic desert” as the outskirt of Rome, we intend to give voice to the citizens and to encourage civic engagement. Through a deliberative method, the Citizens’ Jury, we’ll engage citizens on a …
Social inclusion | Community development

Symbios - shared housing

The project deals with the problem of the transition of young adults from institutional care to independent living. We provide shared living in the flat house, where each flat is shared by one studen…
Community development


LabR is a pilot project to be implemented in Castilla la Mancha, one of the Spanish regions most affected by rural depopulation. By combining customary social science methods (interviews or desk rese…
Social inclusion

Bridging the Social Gap

The Project aims to train volunteers and Third Sector operators and make them specialists in terms of issues and processes related to social dialogue. Our core activity is the educational program (fo…
Community development

Life after CoOalL - The Mine of Democracy

The transformation of Silesia, the largest mining region in Europe, is taking place now, but without the active participation of the local mining community. Instead of strikes and smoking tyres, we w…
SCCNet commented: A very interesting idea!! We support you & vo…
on Foreigners - social and buisness power of Poland
SCCNet commented: Thank you for your support!!! We have also voted …
on To receive you have to first give
SCCNet commented: Thank you for your support!!! We have also voted …
on Better together
SCCNet commented: Thank you for your support!!! We have also voted …
on Revival Traditions ❤️ 👑