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Profile ResQ - People Saving People | Civic Europe

ResQ - People Saving People

ResQ - People Saving People

Education and research | Social inclusion

All Equal Under the Sun

Roma people in the village of Napkor can only break the cycle of poverty through getting a quality education for their kids. It is crucial for them to learn to get their voice heard. Our objectives a…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment


The project aims to engage the community with the local youth. Through the practice of the universal virtues in our everyday life. The students and teachers will have the opportunity for separate tr…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Growing the Tree-nity of Resilience

As a coastal city, Zadar is vulnerable to many climate change effects, but a severe lack of civic engagement in the area has hindered our efforts in dealing with these issues. Our project will empowe…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Heritage for the Future

The desertification process is a real concern in the Southern part of Romania. Specialists estimate that over 1000 hectares of land are becoming dunes of sand, yearly, which means in 50 years, all la…

Capture reality yourself

Using the media as a training method for young people in the process of integration of ethnic minorities and overcoming conflicts on racial, gender, ethnic grounds. The equipment of a student radio i…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Academy of ecological changes

Our project is aimed at involving young people from the region in creating local ecological initiatives together with their local community and acquiring knowledge in the field of participation and c…
Social inclusion | Youth participation and empowerment

Immigrant Youth Leaders Making a Difference

The project targets youth leaders with an immigrant and refugee background. The general objective is to create and implement with them a civic education program about the institutions, the administr…
Community development | Social inclusion

Rabute of Istria

For centuries the villagers of Istria were helping each other in a tradition of voluntary charity actions called “rabute”. The tradition was lost due to modern individualism and conflicts in the vill…
Community development | Social inclusion

Griot Kitchen

The project aims to help refugees and asylum seekers on their journey to employment and independence and promote their integration. We will organize cooking classes led by migrant chefs who struggle …
ResQ - People Saving People commented: thank you very much!
on We support your important job. Good luck!!
ResQ - People Saving People commented: Hi! Your idea to involve youths and particularly …
on Something about YOU-TH
ResQ - People Saving People commented: Hi! Very important project to promote a better in…
on All Equal Under the Sun
ResQ - People Saving People commented: Hi! I like the idea of intergenerational dialogue…
on CITYMAKER’s LAB project
ResQ - People Saving People commented: Hi! It sounds good to revitalise the tradition of…
on Rabute of Istria
ResQ - People Saving People commented: Hi! It sounds very interesting to target women of…
on Let's empower wo(man)!
ResQ - People Saving People commented: Hi! Your idea is very interesting to boost parent…
on Dragonfly Council
ResQ - People Saving People commented: Hi! Your idea looks very relevant as Roma women a…
on "Ro-mama's civic drops"