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Profile ResQ - People Saving People | Civic Europe

ResQ - People Saving People

ResQ - People Saving People

Social inclusion | Youth participation and empowerment

Immigrant Youth Leaders Making a Difference

The project targets youth leaders with an immigrant and refugee background. The general objective is to create and implement with them a civic education program about the institutions, the administr…
Social inclusion


Intertwined wants to change the public perception of refugees as incapable outsiders. By creating a space where refugees and Greeks can meet, engage with each other and start a conversation, we will …
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Kino Guarimba

Kino Guarimba is a film residency addressed to young filmmakers from all over the world who will come to our small town to shoot original short films in collaboration with the local community. At lea…
Community development | Social inclusion


This is a pilot project. A social experiment is conducted in 3 small settlements with a high level of Roma population on the territory of Northwestern Bulgaria. The experiment develops and tests a pr…
Community development | Social inclusion

Let's empower wo(man)!

Municipality of Voćin is rural and underdeveloped area affected by the Homeland War (1991-1995); high level of depopulation, high number of men are working abroad while families stay at home, a highl…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Let's Inspire The Children

Through interactive activities, we will introduce basic democratic principles to the students from five different schools in Devin District. We will involve them in a community dialogue with the resp…
Community development | Human rights

Let's meet. Everything starts from conversation

Tha aim of the project is to facilitate dialogue between various polarised groups about important social issues in city of Zgorzelec. We will begun with open dialogues to diagnose the ignitable subje…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment


The project aims to engage the community with the local youth. Through the practice of the universal virtues in our everyday life. The students and teachers will have the opportunity for separate tr…
Community development | Social inclusion

Majlis – seating of change

We propose a series of 7 innovative format events as a centre for social encounters in 7 Slovak cities that will promote multicultural heritage/show current diversity to the general public, especiall…
ResQ - People Saving People commented: thank you very much!
on We support your important job. Good luck!!
ResQ - People Saving People commented: Hi! Your idea to involve youths and particularly …
on Something about YOU-TH
ResQ - People Saving People commented: Hi! Very important project to promote a better in…
on All Equal Under the Sun
ResQ - People Saving People commented: Hi! I like the idea of intergenerational dialogue…
on CITYMAKER’s LAB project
ResQ - People Saving People commented: Hi! It sounds good to revitalise the tradition of…
on Rabute of Istria
ResQ - People Saving People commented: Hi! It sounds very interesting to target women of…
on Let's empower wo(man)!
ResQ - People Saving People commented: Hi! Your idea is very interesting to boost parent…
on Dragonfly Council
ResQ - People Saving People commented: Hi! Your idea looks very relevant as Roma women a…
on "Ro-mama's civic drops"