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Profile Pro Patrimonio | Civic Europe

Pro Patrimonio

Pro Patrimonio

Community development | Social inclusion

Kitchen connects tastes and cultures

People, especially young ones, are increasingly staying in their apartments where they spend time on smart gadgets. Social contact between people is very limited, sometimes only possible through onli…
Journalism | Youth participation and empowerment

Make news vs Fake news

We’ll work with Roma from schools and vocational high schools in Pleven and Dolna Mitropolia on2 stages - increase functional literacy and publish student newspaper. This is unique in Bulgaria and im…
Community development | Education and research

MuranTin - civic space

Certainly the future belongs to the united communities, in which everyone understands their role and which promotes mutual help among its members. In a marginal village, with less than 650 inhabitant…
Health | Social inclusion

Music therapy for our grandparents

Creating an outdoor music garden with 5 different instruments for 50 vulnerable seniors, beneficiaries of social services from Bucharest, in the CARP Omenia garden, for 5 months. Every month from all…
Community development | Social inclusion

The Little Garden Project

We wish to activate the local gardening and permaculture community in broad volunteer action in envisioning and building therapeutic gardens for and together with the inhabitants of The home for the …
Environment and sustainability

Together we can save the future!

In the small villages of our agricultural region, life still runs normally. Regardless of ongoing climate change. However, there are small groups or individuals who are pushing for small changes. How…
Environment and sustainability | Youth participation and empowerment

Utopolis: Community Guide for Future Earth

Considering the urgency of climate change issues and the fundamental role of collective intelligence to face them, the project combines performing arts, self-building workshops, co-design/participato…
Community development | (Social) Entrepreneurship

vEDEN - the Eden of opportunities is Vidin

With vEDEN we want to break the the persistent narative that Vidin region is the poorest and most redundant area of Europe. Our project will demonstrate that each and every member of rural communitie…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Youth Educational Centre Găujani

In rural areas civil Society is almost non-existent, the voice of young people is not expressed or heard. Our project offers means of empowerment to young people for them to increase the quality of t…
Pro Patrimonio commented: Connecting the civic initiatives is a good propos…
on Civic Oases Connection
Pro Patrimonio commented: The aim to empower poor villages and improve the …
on vEDEN - the Eden of opportunities is Vidin
Pro Patrimonio commented: It is a hugh need of actions like your proposal. …
on Make news vs Fake news
Pro Patrimonio commented: A very good example for a city like Bucharest! Go…
Pro Patrimonio commented: Hi! We find your idea in some parts similar with …
on Utopolis: Community Guide for Future Earth
Pro Patrimonio commented: Culture and art bring quality of life, the aim of…
on "HOME 6"
Pro Patrimonio commented: A very nice and needed idea! Using art and cultur…
on Erratic-a laboratory of art and rural environment
Pro Patrimonio commented: A nice idea! Social connectivity is a first step …
on Kitchen connects tastes and cultures
Pro Patrimonio commented: We work also with the cultural landscape as a sus…
on Together we can save the future!
Pro Patrimonio commented: Very useful idea! We look forward to learn from y…
on 50 Shades of Waste