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Profile PetyaGeorgieva | Civic Europe



Social inclusion


Our project will be based in 15-20 parishes of Barcelos, where girls and women from rural areas and from marginalized communities (Roma, immigrant background) will take part in actions that permit th…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Young people fighting for their future

As young people do not have enough opportunities to do practical work and think about future, we decided to connect these factors and include Youth from rural areas of The Valley of Salek and prepare…
Social inclusion

See You in Agora (See You in Aγορά)

At the Taranto Chamber of Commerce we bring together donor bodies and local associations to finance their ideas, promote Europlanning with seminars on Eu programming and public/private cooperation, v…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Democracy in a regenerating human ecosystem

In a cultural desert, we create a natural hub, together, to share stories, knowledge, art and practices, to tear down walls between people and co-create a place of thriving abundance for the younges…
Community development


LabR is a pilot project to be implemented in Castilla la Mancha, one of the Spanish regions most affected by rural depopulation. By combining customary social science methods (interviews or desk rese…


Launching local level discussions on the future of Europe to feed into broader decision making through townhall meetings (agoras) and by demistifying the main components (subtitle) under discussion. …
Community development

Life after CoOalL - The Mine of Democracy

The transformation of Silesia, the largest mining region in Europe, is taking place now, but without the active participation of the local mining community. Instead of strikes and smoking tyres, we w…
Environment and sustainability

Boost for Croatian Sustainable Student Companies

The objectives of the project are establishing and developing sustainable student companies in high schools (SSCs). The goal is to raise awareness about sustainability and sustainable student behavio…
community award
Community development

Empowering rural women

The inclusion of women in entrepreneurship is a key contribution to the revitalization of rural areas and encourages the prevention of the growth of gender inequality. Target groups are: Women in ru…
PetyaGeorgieva commented: Involving the civil society and local level gover…
PetyaGeorgieva commented: Great idea! Good luck and greetings from Bulgaria.
on Boost for Croatian Sustainable Student Companies
PetyaGeorgieva commented: Great idea! Sustainability should be at the basis…
on Eat local, think healthy
PetyaGeorgieva commented: Great idea! Good luck and greetings from Bulgaria.
on LabR
PetyaGeorgieva commented: Good luck with this amazing idea! Art is definite…
on BRIDGE - Inter - Cultures
PetyaGeorgieva commented: Wonderful idea! Young people across Bulgaria need…
on Empowering the young