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Profile Penka Wood | Civic Europe

Penka Wood

Penka Wood

The first standardized data sets in Romania

Every public entity runs on it's own terms with their own data types. The public entities in Romania are not connected enough with their data and that takes a toll on the inefficiency of the public …
Health | Youth participation and empowerment

Za(upam) si – I trust (dare) myself

There is little long-term oriented psychological support available to young people with their mental health issues, especially to those from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. We wa…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

The Social Innovation Academy

Poland grapples with the low youth involvement in active citizenship and outdated dogmas adopted by seniors. We’ll meet halfway: engage and empower youth, while making seniors aware of the changes in…
Community development | Social inclusion


Ageism is a global challenge negatively affecting health, economy and communities. COVID-19 pandemic also increased older adults’ loneliness. Intergenerational interventions bring together old and yo…
Social inclusion


We suggest the model "Social Network for Dialogue and Solutions" as an opportunity for more active inclusion and participation in public life and realizing the potential of people with disabilities. …
Social inclusion | Youth participation and empowerment

With love, from culture to tolerance

The 2020 elections revealed an ugly truth, the radicalized vote grew a lot in the rural areas of Leiria. This is a symptom of lack of tolerance and community view, and we believe that has happened be…
Human rights | Youth participation and empowerment


Discrimination in all its possible forms and expressions is one of the most common manifestations of human rights violations and abuses. Our observations show that it affects more and more, especiall…
Environment and sustainability | Youth participation and empowerment

Make It Green Lesvos

The world is racing towards carbon neutrality by 2050 to reverse climate change. We want the Youth to be the forefront in this race. Local and refugee youth in Lesvos have few opportunities to learn …
Community development

Let’s dialogue about it

Polish society is becoming more and more polarized. Social diversity is a fact, but walls of social divisions impede neighbourly co-existence in local communities, especially for persons from minorit…
Penka Wood commented: Thank you for your support!
on Great idea! You have our support. Good luck.
Penka Wood commented: Thank you for your support! We are glad to hear t…
on Great idea! You have our support. Good luck.