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Profile Penka Wood | Civic Europe

Penka Wood

Penka Wood

Community development | Social inclusion


This is a pilot project. A social experiment is conducted in 3 small settlements with a high level of Roma population on the territory of Northwestern Bulgaria. The experiment develops and tests a pr…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Volunteering–positive life lessons for the future

In Bulgarian schools sustainable “good deed making”/ voluntureeing has not been encouraged and children don’t know how to organise such initiatives. We will increase their volunteering knowledge, enc…
Human rights | Social inclusion

Olhão + Equal

The project will support the creation of a Municipal Plan for Non-Discrimination, as a public policy for the promotion of human rights and social inclusion, providing a response to tackle growing rad…
Human rights | Social inclusion

Human rights on tour

A six-month bus tour of Italy will be organized to promote citizens' rights and duties, stimulate active discussion among participants, and help to understand the tools of juridical protection. The t…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

The Nest a rural shelter for the community

We want to reactivate a public space that used to be the place of reunion for the elderly community of a village to transform it in an open intergenerational space for the community. With culture and…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Be Active - Be Eco

The project will be implemented in Požeško-slavonska county with the aim of promoting volunteering and active citizenship among children and youth and organizing 22 volunteer environmental actions de…
Education and research

I Care about my City

The project "I Care about my City" fills the missing school curriculum of civic education for preschoolers and primary school children. It comes to the aid of parents and educators in starting conver…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Roadmap to Common Future

Quiet mountain villages around Jelovica plateau are becoming a tourist hot-spot. In the hands of 9 local communities lies a big responsibility: timely and joint decision for a sustainable future. N…
Community development | Journalism

Voice of the civil socaiety

We strive for greater visibility and recognition of civil society, the NGO sector, and ethnic and migrant groups through media engagement. We want to create a well-equipped community studio that woul…
Penka Wood commented: Thank you for your support!
on Great idea! You have our support. Good luck.
Penka Wood commented: Thank you for your support! We are glad to hear t…
on Great idea! You have our support. Good luck.