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Profile Penka Wood | Civic Europe

Penka Wood

Penka Wood

Education and research | Youth participation and empowerment


We plan collective actions in the direction of involving young people and children in activities to meet people of different ages, with peers, to do interesting and useful things together, to act ind…
Education and research | Social inclusion

Change your future by upskilling

Knowledge, work skills and experience are a proven way to a better opportunity to find a suitable job and contribute to own community and the quality of own life. Today, however, we are facing a pand…
Environment and sustainability | Health

Children love Natural world and are part of it

Historically humans lived in more rural and wild landscapes, and children spent more of their childhood outdoors, allowing exposure to more microbes. How could we plant a love of nature in kids havin…
Community development | Social inclusion

Citizens budgets

In the villages of Haskovo municipality live over 17,500 people, whose access to health and social services, cultural events is extremely limited. The opportunities for these people to participate in…
Community development | Social inclusion

CITIZEN-SHEEP - Civic challenges for pastoralists

Pastoralism is facing harsh times, as it is affected by abandonment, ageing and social disprestige, despite its well recognized socio-economic and environmental role. This initiative aims to build a …
Community development | Social inclusion

Citizens of the Round Table

Round tables with citizens of neighbourhoods of Lisbon that feel neglected and don’t have access to meaningful public participation to share ideas and make them happen. These round tables will have m…
Community development | Social inclusion


Ageism is a global challenge negatively affecting health, economy and communities. COVID-19 pandemic also increased older adults’ loneliness. Intergenerational interventions bring together old and yo…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Civic Silba (CILBA) and Ist against pollution

Croatia's islands are well known for their beauty, but, as the rest of the world, they have succumbed to plastic pollution. Cigarette butt is the second most frequent item found when conducting marin…
Community development | Social inclusion

Civil Action on Wheels

If local residents do not participate in activities that take place in the city, it is necessary to bring it to them, as we must provide all people with the opportunity to learn and participate in th…
Penka Wood commented: Thank you for your support!
on Great idea! You have our support. Good luck.
Penka Wood commented: Thank you for your support! We are glad to hear t…
on Great idea! You have our support. Good luck.