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Profile OZ FutuReg | Civic Europe

OZ FutuReg

Community development | (Social) Entrepreneurship

Finding my balance

“Finding my Balance” empowers women in their 30s and 50s to find strength in themselves - knowing they have the power to overcome obstacles, reach their potential, and create an impact. We offer grou…
Environment and sustainability | Youth participation and empowerment

Trails of Participation-Sentieri di Partecipazione

Depopulation, lack of opportunities for youth, isolation and neglected commons are all challenges faced by the 7 villages involved in our project. We want to revive our communities, reconnect them an…
Community development | Education and research

Mediation in the School - the Power of Dialog

Our ideas and goals for the project participants are to use mediation methods in the school with their classmates, teachers, parents, and friends. Conflicts at school can cause bullying. Through the …
Social inclusion

Engage a discussion on part-time jobs for mothers

Only 2% of jobs in Bulgaria are part-time compared to the EU average 30% as per Eurostat. We want to engage in discussion mothers, employers and governmental entities on the reasons behind the number…
Community development | Social inclusion

Will you be my buddy?

Through peer-to-peer and multigenerational learning, we will establish new connections between local immigrant students, their families and their community. Our project will offer participants from d…
Education and research | Social inclusion

Our kids are our future

Children have the right to learn what's right, what's wrong, which are good and which are bad feelings, how they can protect themselves and prevent sexual abuse, they have the right to learn how and …
Human rights | Social inclusion

Do not allow sexual abuse within the Church

It’s time to remove all kinds of abuse from our parishes, church schools and other Catholic communities! It is necessary to create a safe space for abuse survivors to speak and be heard, and for the …
Human rights | Social inclusion


Through various activities for local and Albanian families we will build a bridge between the two cultures. Also, we will enable Albanian women to learn Slovene to help them perform daily tasks and i…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Working together,we can transform our Marvila

The neighborhood of Chelas is one of the most multicultural areas of Lisbon. Although there are lot of differencies between the communities, they are sharing one common struggle and that is the envir…
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on Democratic Daylight after Turbulent Time (DDTT)!
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on GENE CLAMP 2 elderly and young student couples
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on Connecting Dots_winning minds
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on Open Minds, Open Hearts
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on Radio DOC
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on Change your future by upskilling
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on BeFogadó - InnClusive
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on Our kids are our future