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Profile OZ FutuReg | Civic Europe

OZ FutuReg

Community development | Social inclusion

Kitchen connects tastes and cultures

People, especially young ones, are increasingly staying in their apartments where they spend time on smart gadgets. Social contact between people is very limited, sometimes only possible through onli…
Community development | Human rights

Ambassadors now!

All Slovenian inhabitants have the right to access public healthcare services, but do they? Even in a time of a pandemic? Cultural and linguistic barriers are the real-life Roma people face every…
Community development | Social inclusion

Diverse Tech Kids - Thriving Communities

The project helps rebuild the community relations and make up for the social incoherence of the multiethnic community in Alfatar Municipality, caused by the COVID lockdown. We, the project partners, …
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

EVERYONE’S OASIS. From being apart to being a part

Desert oases are a peaceful meeting place and a crossroads of cultures. The project aims to promote inclusiveness by fostering mutual exchange between different ethnic groups, with culture as a main …
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

No Excuse Activists Zasavje

Every young person has a right to be an active citizen. We want to establish a group of young active citizens in Slovenian region of Zasavje. The basis of our program is the slogan "criticize, sugges…
Human rights | Youth participation and empowerment


The purpose of our campaign is to raise awareness of the public in the broadest sense about the unacceptable and irresponsible conduct of the society, when faced with sexual exploitation and abuse of…
Community development | Social inclusion

Activating communities

Rudnik, an almost rural sparse settlement with a multinational population of all social backgrounds at the border of Ljubljana with lack of infrastructure for young people (target group). As stakehol…
Community development | Social inclusion

From Grandma with Love: A Legacy of Values

We will create a living laboratory for social and technological activities. The idea is to work for increased knowledge and new technological skills by sharing culinary traditions. The main goal of …
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Together for the City Center

Every city deserves a nice center. For Ústí nad Labem to deserve it, it is necessary to connect important partners: citizens, public administration, experts, schools, and owners of land which have be…
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on Democratic Daylight after Turbulent Time (DDTT)!
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on GENE CLAMP 2 elderly and young student couples
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on Connecting Dots_winning minds
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on Open Minds, Open Hearts
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on Radio DOC
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on Change your future by upskilling
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on BeFogadó - InnClusive
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on Our kids are our future