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Profile OZ FutuReg | Civic Europe

OZ FutuReg

Health | Social inclusion

Protect Our Children's Mental Health

One of the most disturbing and underestimated trend of our times is an impact of technology development to our kids' menthal health. We have been observing our kids in front of their screen for a cou…
Health | Social inclusion

"Public Health Narratives"

Bringing together diverse people originating from host (Greek) and hosted (refugee and migrants) communities to discuss and exchange views, perceptions and knowledge on (public) health issues has a p…
Community development | Social inclusion

Rabute of Istria

For centuries the villagers of Istria were helping each other in a tradition of voluntary charity actions called “rabute”. The tradition was lost due to modern individualism and conflicts in the vill…
Community development | Social inclusion

Radio DOC

The medium is the message, and also the solution. Radio Doc is a permanent civic engagement tool, free from political conditioning, opened to the participation of young people, associations, and citi…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Radio Leib - Community Radio

A community radio station managed together with citizens; from the inner and cultural peripheries of Naples, giving voice to those who do not have it. Let's imagine Radio Leib embodied in the city, g…
Community development | Social inclusion

Re-Activating Community Life in The Village

The elderly in Leskovets suffer the consequences of the demographic and political crisis: exclusion, loneliness, low civic cohesion, and demotivation. On the other hand, newcomers-downshifters' striv…
Community development

Return to city of Eden

The garden - a human invention that meets nature at her threshold - provides sustenance of literal, aesthetic, spiritual and even metaphorical value. The roots of the garden reach deeper into human’s…
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

Re.Works: upcycling plastic, building bridges

The new plastic upcycling workshop of Habibi.Works - known as Re.Works - makes use of innovative technology to convert plastic waste into urgently needed products for members of both the local and as…
Environment and sustainability | Law, advocacy and policy

Rights in the Garden

In our community garden, we organize seasonal planting and harvesting every month, and we present a healthy, sustainable, circular farming model in practice, and in parallel, we create our educationa…
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on Democratic Daylight after Turbulent Time (DDTT)!
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on GENE CLAMP 2 elderly and young student couples
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on Connecting Dots_winning minds
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on Open Minds, Open Hearts
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on Radio DOC
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on Change your future by upskilling
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on BeFogadó - InnClusive
OZ FutuReg commented: Great project idea and big support from OZ FutuRe…
on Our kids are our future