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Profile Nico Skolp | Civic Europe

Nico Skolp

Nico Skolp

Environment and sustainability | Community development

Food and Art Forest in Vojnić

By following one of the main permaculture principles of integrating rather than segregating, the project of developing a food forest in Vojnić aims to bring together a group of women of diverse ethni…
Arts and cultural activities | Environment and sustainability

The Mountain of Suspended Time

Time feels like an inescapable measure for those whose lives are ruled by the rat race, caught up in the relentless pace of the modern city. But in the mountains, time is suspended, almost impercepti…
Arts and cultural activities

Walk There

The participants, a mixed ensembe with civilians,artists and newcomers will participate in series of promenades in order to create a "new" presence of a local community. We aim to create paths fro…
Arts and cultural activities


Today photography is an alternate language we all communicate in on a daily basis. In Bulgaria, outside the big cities, there is no access to any form of photography education. Even in the big cit…
Social inclusion | Community development

Symbios - shared housing

The project deals with the problem of the transition of young adults from institutional care to independent living. We provide shared living in the flat house, where each flat is shared by one studen…
Community development


LabR is a pilot project to be implemented in Castilla la Mancha, one of the Spanish regions most affected by rural depopulation. By combining customary social science methods (interviews or desk rese…
Social inclusion

Together Against Violence

Minority communities, with special focus on migrants and people of colour, will be empowered against targeted violence through: - open-source investigation advocacy - building literacy in visual an…


Launching local level discussions on the future of Europe to feed into broader decision making through townhall meetings (agoras) and by demistifying the main components (subtitle) under discussion. …
Community development

A church that breaks borders

The church persists for centuries, the people around it change. They come and leave… the church can become the center of life again. Our project double-goal 1) make a public competition of architectu…
Nico Skolp commented: Great idea to use mosaic technique, keep in touch!
on Collaborative art installation "The Walls Speak"