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Profile Nico Skolp | Civic Europe

Nico Skolp

Nico Skolp

Community development

Banská Bystrica - women friendly city

Even in the 21st century, women experience discrimination in Slovakia, as the results of the survey done in 2019 showed. We will support women from various social groups to develop and strengthen th…
Community development

Demarginalizing regions

Our project, Demarginalisation of regions, aims to help the young people, the society at large and the existing minorities in the remote and poor regions of Bulgarian North-West to recognize and solv…
Social inclusion

Citizens of Europe

In a period of strong divisions and mistrust towards the European institutions, the project 'Citizens of Europe' pursues the objective of developing relations between the European Union system and di…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Changing the World Through Art

People with special needs, migrants, other people, who are trying to fit in! Let’s help the society to accept them! We will use art as a medium for better understanding of their lives as it influence…
Social inclusion | Community development

Proud in the Village

LGBT+ life in Slovenia is completely concentrated in the capital while rural areas are conservative and skeptic of anything "different". Our solution: we bring the LGBT+ in those areas! We will rent …
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Green Summit

We support the organization of series of events, promoting living in small communities with environmental care. Hosts of the events are local people, promoting social commitment at the local level a…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Common roots: trees that build community

Human beings have always gathered around a big tree to sort out how lo live together. We want to create a participative orchard managed by 100 families where all the fruit landraces and social groups…
Community development

Youth Lab for Equal Cities

A cross-border project to strengthen youth involvement in European democratic life by promoting the right to the city and to public spaces, with a social inclusion and "generation equality" approach:…
Community development

rebuilding life at the center

following Andel and La Borda models of cooperative housing (Download citation we´re making a residential building, sustainable, on public land and cessi…
Nico Skolp commented: Great idea to use mosaic technique, keep in touch!
on Collaborative art installation "The Walls Speak"