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Profile Nico Skolp | Civic Europe

Nico Skolp

Nico Skolp

Social inclusion

co-nsistent co-munnity

Our project assumes supporting to caregivers of disabled people by including them into a respite service network, providing fresh food and assuring mental support by helpline. At the same time, we ri…
Community development

Cooperative Territories (CT)

After the Quarantine period, there will be an increased need for collaboration and support. CT intends to exchange experiences and knowledge, to share skills, stories and ideas, especially outside …

Corina Fake News Shakers

Via a dedicated website and a facebook page, the project exposes fake news and conspiracy theories regarding COVID-19 in Bulgaria while at the same time educates in media literacy and critical thinki…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Creating community

We seek to promote a joint reflection on coexistence in the rural world that involves all the social groups that comprise it. With the collected opinions, we will create a community Forum Theater sho…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Creating slow communities

Our city district is called Prague 11 - The South Town. South Town means a place on the southern edge of beautiful Prague. Although its arrangement is about grayish block of flats, encouraging to fas…
Community development

Creativity/Financial literacy /Career FOR YOUNG

We want to give young people the opportunity to develop their creativity, to learn financial literacy and to choose the right career path. The project will involve mentors from different fields, busi…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion


In times of luck of democracy, civic illiteracy & racism, which is multiplied by the pandemic, the planned 31 cultural & art activities, in 4 languages, by 3 partners & many volunteers, addressed to …
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Culture Makers

The project Culture makers want to restore ancient craft knowledge related to the arts and crafts and connect younger women generations to older carriers of this knowledge, to bridge the gap in order…

Debates in the PRESSURE COOKER

How can a society deal with difficult moral issues if we don’t know how to communicate, if we are unable to articulate our own opinions, and challenge opposing views without being mocked? Are we able…
Nico Skolp commented: Great idea to use mosaic technique, keep in touch!
on Collaborative art installation "The Walls Speak"