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Profile Nico Skolp | Civic Europe

Nico Skolp

Nico Skolp

Community development

Civic Spaces on the Edge

How to turn vacant heritage buildings into catalysts for local civil society? Small towns and rural areas have a built heritage that is often undervalued and left to abandonment. These heritage space…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Clean is the new green

We live in a magical land of green hills, enchanting forests and lush meadows. Almost. Although green heritage is the backbone of our community, it is filled with illegal dump sites. So, it’s time to…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Collaborative art installation "The Walls Speak"

There are mosaic compositions of co-existing letters and symbols of different cultures and civilizations. Goal of the project is „the invitation for co-creation” of the public in the art process chan…
Arts and cultural activities

Collective Music across cultural borders

Our challenge is to reach artistic education for the social integration of vulnerable children in one of the most damaged neighborhoods in Madrid (Spain) where cultural differences are difficulting t…
Social inclusion

Coloured Glasses: Breaking the walls of society

Eastern Europe is marked by deep social inequalities. Simultaneously, young people are developing a sense of civic duty and are interested in becoming active citizens, but they are often not aware of…
Arts and cultural activities


Common Ground will be implemented in the Tzoumerka area of Epirus. The goal is to enhance relationship with the arts, highlight art as a vehicle of communication, and provide space for everyone no ma…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Common roots: trees that build community

Human beings have always gathered around a big tree to sort out how lo live together. We want to create a participative orchard managed by 100 families where all the fruit landraces and social groups…
Community development

Community Hub

The project aims to develop 6 disadvantaged communities in Valcea County (Baile Govora, Berbesti, Pausesti, Calimanesti, Balota, Madulari) by supporting local initiatives. The initiatives will be bas…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Connecting local producers with local customers

We need to remove obstacles between local producers on one hand and local people and entrepreneurs on the other hand. We will promote local production as crucial part of local economy. We will connec…
Nico Skolp commented: Great idea to use mosaic technique, keep in touch!
on Collaborative art installation "The Walls Speak"