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Profile Natasamz | Civic Europe



Environment and sustainability


Real sustainability urges democratic response from young people. Scout Association of Slovenia will issue a “Local Sustainability Challenge” for local units, selected will receive further civic educa…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Don't just see me, get to know me!

Introducing the Roma people’s past, culture, language and traditions in educational institutions. This could be advantageous for all the local students with different background. It would have a goo…

A true enemy: the domination of emotions

The main challenge of this project is to create an interdisciplinary education program in range of 2-8 hours (a quarter-, half- or a whole-day seminary) focused on improvement of resistance of believ…
Community development


This is a pilot project. A social experiment is conducted in 3 small settlements with a high level of Roma population on the territory of Northwestern Bulgaria. The experiment develops and tests a pr…

Corina Fake News Shakers

Via a dedicated website and a facebook page, the project exposes fake news and conspiracy theories regarding COVID-19 in Bulgaria while at the same time educates in media literacy and critical thinki…
Social inclusion

Compassion, not prejudice

Mourning continues to be a taboo in a countryside whereby it is manifested as weakness of individuals while a relation to death and mourning is filled with prejudices, fear. With comprehensive supp…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Clown Care

The vulnerable individuals with different special care and different degrees of disability, experience the encounter with the clown through the play. Professional artists, through openness and availa…
Arts and cultural activities

Diversity is a treasure, not an issue

In ethnically divided Vukovar we will face a challenge to change local/national mindset that Vukovar is a “case”, an “issue”, and provoke local citizens’ active participation on promotion of their de…
Community development

Civic Spaces on the Edge

How to turn vacant heritage buildings into catalysts for local civil society? Small towns and rural areas have a built heritage that is often undervalued and left to abandonment. These heritage space…
Natasamz commented: Thank you. Good luck with yours.
on We wish you a good fortune with project!
Natasamz commented: Hvala. Tudi vaš projekt je zelo zanimiv. Tudi mi …
on Lep projekt. Držimo pesti na Savinjskem!
Natasamz now watches idea "12 women, 12 stories, 12 schools"