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Profile Natasamz | Civic Europe



community award
Community development

Empowering rural women

The inclusion of women in entrepreneurship is a key contribution to the revitalization of rural areas and encourages the prevention of the growth of gender inequality. Target groups are: Women in ru…
Social inclusion | Community development

Eco Loquente

Eco-recovery of community is encouraged through joint venture of two social groups: rural residents and people stationed in assisted living community for addicts in process of social reintegration. T…
Community development

"A vecinal": Cooperative and Fair-Supplying

Contribute to caring for the planet by offering an alternative for transforming the consumption model: we have started by opening a storing plac to connect little producers, artisans and agroecologis…
Environment and sustainability


"A SUL" means literally "At South". The so-called "south margin" of Lisbon city, hosts many people who work daily at the capital, with an average lower income. Scattered in different communities wit…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion


We are a collective created to give voice, visibility and form to different events that are currently happening but that do not have a real impact on our daily life. Our main objective is to make p…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Connecting local producers with local customers

We need to remove obstacles between local producers on one hand and local people and entrepreneurs on the other hand. We will promote local production as crucial part of local economy. We will connec…
Community development

I FOR US TOO. We build our city cronicle.

Our city is one of the oldest city in Europe. It has not had its chronicler for at least 150 years. Can we write our future - tomorrow's history - by ourselves? In this project we are going to form …
Community development

Citizens of Green Intentions

We want to enable citizens of Dubrovnik to participate in creating a more sustainable and inclusive urban food system. For a healthy sustainable future, it is necessary to connect with what we eat …
Community development

DOOR - Pursuit the Common Sense

Amid of the accelerated alienation of the sons of small towns & villages due to a permanent exodus of labor force abroad and to the main Romanian cities, the spiritual identity, economic power and c…
Natasamz commented: Thank you. Good luck with yours.
on We wish you a good fortune with project!
Natasamz commented: Hvala. Tudi vaš projekt je zelo zanimiv. Tudi mi …
on Lep projekt. Držimo pesti na Savinjskem!
Natasamz now watches idea "12 women, 12 stories, 12 schools"