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Profile Natasamz | Civic Europe



Environment and sustainability | Community development

Local Food 4 Local Economy

Tired of watching the global food supply chains dictate what to eat and aware of the huge impact that food and transportation have on Portugal's ecological footprint, a non governmental organization …

Local media - the voice of civil society

For 3rd year, Bulgaria is on 111th place in the rank of "Reporters without borders." Independent media suffers from lack of funding. The freedom of media and the active civil society are related. We …
Community development

Local ombudsman for strong and active community

People from small villages in the country often remain away from government and local authorities’ sight. Their access to participation in decision making process, social services, health care, cultu…
Environment and sustainability

Lovebirds ❤️🐦

Northern Bulgaria is one of the most underdeveloped regions in Europe. Its rich biodiversity and amazing bird life don’t fit the grim picture, yet they remain totally unknown to the local communities…
Social inclusion


By creating a community internet media and developing journalistic skills among members of ex Yugoslav communities, the project aims to give voice to the different ethnic communities of ex Yugoslavia…

Markovo Children's Education Project

The Government education system in Bulgaria does not encourage critical thinking by children. Students are fed a daily diet of “correct” official facts and an official one dimensional perspective on …

Media Literacy Academy for Seniors

The current project proposal aims to give foundational media literacy skills to elderly people, so they will be able to enjoy their online communications safely, distinguish fake news and take an inf…
Arts and cultural activities

Nikola Tesla Network

The main challenge is the ignorance of citizens about the work and life of genius Nikola Tesla, without whom and his scientific breakthroughs life today might have been utterly different for the whol…
Community development

No limit for Youth Democracy

Rural areas are facing a challenge: the depopulation of youngsters due to overall dissatisfaction with the quality of life. Absence of cultural life strikes youth seriously. Conservative democratic s…
Natasamz commented: Thank you. Good luck with yours.
on We wish you a good fortune with project!
Natasamz commented: Hvala. Tudi vaš projekt je zelo zanimiv. Tudi mi …
on Lep projekt. Držimo pesti na Savinjskem!
Natasamz now watches idea "12 women, 12 stories, 12 schools"