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Profile Legambiente Cagliari | Civic Europe

Legambiente Cagliari

Human rights | Social inclusion

Human rights on tour

A six-month bus tour of Italy will be organized to promote citizens' rights and duties, stimulate active discussion among participants, and help to understand the tools of juridical protection. The t…
Education and research | Social inclusion

GENE CLAMP 2 elderly and young student couples

In the framework of the “ GENE CLAMP 1” project, we already have experience in organizing learning pairs, because all parties were satisfied with the results when measuring satisfaction. We created l…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Green Islands

Finding a common solution for the forgotten green spaces. Small teams will work on a "green spot" of their choice, with the same materials available for each team. Each team will create its unique "g…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

A “HOPESPOT” for Lampedusa

How do you empower and encourage young people from the southernmost Italian island - a destination for tourists and for migrants rescued at sea - to shape the future of their community? Through thei…
Community development

Farming world, wake up!

Our settlement is surrounded by centuries-old farmland. The old knowledge and traditions associated with it are still present, but the people of the farms do not recognise their own values and intere…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Be Active - Be Eco

The project will be implemented in Požeško-slavonska county with the aim of promoting volunteering and active citizenship among children and youth and organizing 22 volunteer environmental actions de…
Education and research

I Care about my City

The project "I Care about my City" fills the missing school curriculum of civic education for preschoolers and primary school children. It comes to the aid of parents and educators in starting conver…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Roadmap to Common Future

Quiet mountain villages around Jelovica plateau are becoming a tourist hot-spot. In the hands of 9 local communities lies a big responsibility: timely and joint decision for a sustainable future. N…
Community development | Journalism

Voice of the civil socaiety

We strive for greater visibility and recognition of civil society, the NGO sector, and ethnic and migrant groups through media engagement. We want to create a well-equipped community studio that woul…
Legambiente Cagliari commented: Thank you, we hope to reach as many people as we …
on A very nice project with huge outreach and impact. Best of luck!
Legambiente Cagliari commented: Thank you MIke, we appreciate your support
on This is a good project and very wide ranging in its impact. All the best Mike (AAPT)
Legambiente Cagliari commented: Hi! We have the same goal and we like your use of…
on Culture-driven revitalization of rural communities
Legambiente Cagliari commented: We also believe that it is really important to wo…
on Teaching Peace & Empathy in Local Communities