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Profile Legambiente Cagliari | Civic Europe

Legambiente Cagliari

Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Being the citizen that I am

What if your voice could be heard? What if you could reach other people by speaking your truth and by listening to theirs? Join this theatre group and share your expectations, your fears, and, most i…
Community development | Human rights

What's The Problem?

In a city where poverty and human rights violations are a norm, youngsters and working-class people cannot defend themselves from social injustices in any way and become hostages to a poor living env…
Community development | Law, advocacy and policy

Politicians By Chance

We want to bring in Italy first and then in Europe the legal institute of the citizens’ assembly of people randomly selected. These discuss, helped by experts, about a matter and propose their soluti…
Community development | Social inclusion


Anèl means both “ring” and “bond” in Occitan, the ancient language of a few mountain valleys in north-western Italy. Anèl is a round-shaped system of relationships that enables the sharing of skills,…
Community development | Social inclusion


This is a pilot project. A social experiment is conducted in 3 small settlements with a high level of Roma population on the territory of Northwestern Bulgaria. The experiment develops and tests a pr…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Rural Population Connected

The village of Aveloso, like others in the interior of Portugal, has been faced with several factors, such as depopulation, an elderly population and unemployment that have encouraged the abandonment…
Community development

Community power – together for change!

Small and rural communities in Bulgaria are managed through a top-down approach, sometimes encroaching on vital local interests. But a little-known legal framework - a general assembly of the populat…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Volunteering–positive life lessons for the future

In Bulgarian schools sustainable “good deed making”/ voluntureeing has not been encouraged and children don’t know how to organise such initiatives. We will increase their volunteering knowledge, enc…
Human rights | Social inclusion

Olhão + Equal

The project will support the creation of a Municipal Plan for Non-Discrimination, as a public policy for the promotion of human rights and social inclusion, providing a response to tackle growing rad…
Legambiente Cagliari commented: Thank you, we hope to reach as many people as we …
on A very nice project with huge outreach and impact. Best of luck!
Legambiente Cagliari commented: Thank you MIke, we appreciate your support
on This is a good project and very wide ranging in its impact. All the best Mike (AAPT)
Legambiente Cagliari commented: Hi! We have the same goal and we like your use of…
on Culture-driven revitalization of rural communities
Legambiente Cagliari commented: We also believe that it is really important to wo…
on Teaching Peace & Empathy in Local Communities