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Profile Legambiente Cagliari | Civic Europe

Legambiente Cagliari

Environment and sustainability

Climate For Health

The project aims to create conditions for understanding the problems of the urban environment and climate change and to involve citizens in activities to stimulate public initiative, citizenship and …
Education and research | Social inclusion


In the last 6 years, native people and way of life are redundant to some EU leaders with big consequences. Big cities or main industry hub centers dictate development that is in the mindset of greed …
Environment and sustainability | Youth participation and empowerment

Communities Movement in Ttransition ❤️ 👑

Ours innovative project has been collaboratively designed to create prerequisites for syste matic-change collaboration, between local authorities and transition initiatives. We all see many examples…
Environment and sustainability | Youth participation and empowerment

Community Catalysts for Water Regeneration

Water sources are highly impacted by intensive agriculture, mass tourism and climate change, constraining opportunities for youth to envision a future in the territory. We aim to activate intergenera…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Community Co-creation of ‘Mission Maribor’

The city of Maribor (SLO) has started on a mission to become one of the best places to live, work and visit in Europe, and carbon-neural by 2030. So far, this is thanks to a core team of passionate i…
Community development | (Social) Entrepreneurship

Community Development Think Tank

Creating a Think Tank in rural areas in 2 communes, Oituz and Vanatori in Bacau and Vrancea counties to bring together members of civil society, local public authorities who together identify communi…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Community Garden

Community Garden is THE place for authentic interaction in the urban space. Community Garden is at the same time an urban garden enjoying the benefits of self sustainability and a place for social i…
Community development

Community power – together for change!

Small and rural communities in Bulgaria are managed through a top-down approach, sometimes encroaching on vital local interests. But a little-known legal framework - a general assembly of the populat…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Comunity Circular Economy

What if can be build a community moved by sustainability and encourage by circular economy? We dream to create this social community, contributing to new cycles of resource's use, in a neighbourhood …
Legambiente Cagliari commented: Thank you, we hope to reach as many people as we …
on A very nice project with huge outreach and impact. Best of luck!
Legambiente Cagliari commented: Thank you MIke, we appreciate your support
on This is a good project and very wide ranging in its impact. All the best Mike (AAPT)
Legambiente Cagliari commented: Hi! We have the same goal and we like your use of…
on Culture-driven revitalization of rural communities
Legambiente Cagliari commented: We also believe that it is really important to wo…
on Teaching Peace & Empathy in Local Communities