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Profile Legambiente Cagliari | Civic Europe

Legambiente Cagliari

Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Kino Guarimba

Kino Guarimba is a film residency addressed to young filmmakers from all over the world who will come to our small town to shoot original short films in collaboration with the local community. At lea…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Klajn Park

Klajn Park is a design-and-build community project using public participation in the decision-making, planning, design, and building of a pocket park aiming at social cohesion in a rural and deprived…
Community development | Social inclusion

KONCEPT- Community and culture hub

Our main objective is to bring homeless people closer to society through meetings, performances, lectures, exhibitions and discussions. Our idea is to create and develop a social-orientated community…
Community development | Environment and sustainability


The Galician rural areas have been suffering for years from an avalanche of projects by big companies to despoil their natural resources (mining, macro-farms, wind farms).More and more citizen and en…
Community development | Environment and sustainability


Once, producing food was an integral part of people's lives everywhere. It was the core basis of life-bringing and health-maintaining cultures. Today, we cannot say the same is true. Industrial means…
Community development | Environment and sustainability


Although 23% of the area of the Goierri region is a useful land area and 20% of the population is rural, primary sector employment accounts for only 1% of the total. The main objective is to generate…
Community development | Social inclusion


This is a pilot project. A social experiment is conducted in 3 small settlements with a high level of Roma population on the territory of Northwestern Bulgaria. The experiment develops and tests a pr…
Community development

Legality W.E.L.C.O.M.E.

The project has its roots in a territory where organized crime controls people's lives, offering itself as an alternative capable of promoting a process of guidance for the community aimed at the re-…
Environment and sustainability | Youth participation and empowerment


We plan to promote plasicless shopping in Sofia city center by providing application for consumers to know where and what they can shop plasticless . The plastic is the best material for packaging of…
Legambiente Cagliari commented: Thank you, we hope to reach as many people as we …
on A very nice project with huge outreach and impact. Best of luck!
Legambiente Cagliari commented: Thank you MIke, we appreciate your support
on This is a good project and very wide ranging in its impact. All the best Mike (AAPT)
Legambiente Cagliari commented: Hi! We have the same goal and we like your use of…
on Culture-driven revitalization of rural communities
Legambiente Cagliari commented: We also believe that it is really important to wo…
on Teaching Peace & Empathy in Local Communities