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Profile Laura María | Civic Europe

Laura María

Laura María

Environment and sustainability

From Coal to Sun

The aim of the project is to encourage the active and critical participation of the rural communities in the transition to a new energy model. This civic idea will generate the mechanisms of agreemen…
Social inclusion | Community development

From resistance to resilience.

Living in the rural areas has become an act of resistance. Our project seeks to transform the resistances that are daily exercised from isolated communities into capacity of resilience through pedago…
Community development

Growing Together

Strengthen and weave the community network by promoting its participation in facing the difficulties that come with living in our rural environment, such as highlighting its benefits. For this we wa…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Hello Neighbour

"Hello Neighbour" educates rural youth through art, culture and democratic values. We will buy and customize a bus driving through the Ribera Baixa region and inviting people to pop in. Teens will ar…
Community development

Intergenerational knowledge and gender equality

Our goal is work with young and old people in rural world, trying to reach an empowerment specially of women, getting new ways for reaching equal masculinity and avoid gender violence working mutual …
Community development

Jiloca, caring for the caregivers

Women, care & rural. We aim to encourage a discussion on the feminisation of care work and whether it is related to the prevalence of traditional gender roles in rural communities. We would like to a…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development


People-centered, independent creative space; in constant evolution, facing and embracing the contemporary challenges. Shaped on the basis of the real needs of the city, it is being built after a 3-ye…
Community development


LabR is a pilot project to be implemented in Castilla la Mancha, one of the Spanish regions most affected by rural depopulation. By combining customary social science methods (interviews or desk rese…
Environment and sustainability

LEGIT - Laboratory for an Ecological Citizenship

LEGIT is an open lab striving to develop participatory and grassroots ecological citizenship, through an eco-parliament, community radio and book, participatory documentary and open letters. We are b…
Laura María commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on TARARAINA Social & Rural democratic investing
Laura María commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
Laura María commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Pathways,strategic corridors for rural development
Laura María commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Growing Together
Laura María commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
Laura María commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Hello Neighbour
Laura María commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Walking towards Sustainability
Laura María commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Root yourself
Laura María commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Rye Commons
Laura María commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Strengthen your neighborhood