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Profile Katerina Hruba | Civic Europe

Katerina Hruba

Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

House Libuše, Island of Positive deviation

Libuše is an empty house in the middle of the biggest socially excluded locality in the CR. We want to use it for inhabitants of Janov district to enhance and foster relationships among neighbours fr…
Human rights | Social inclusion

We are Prejudices

Participants will be able to get a glimpse into the life of a refugee, a homosexual, a single mother or a member of another ethnic group. By juxtaposing individual life stories - stories of 20th cent…
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

Meals of Power

We collect food with close expiry dates, that might not be used otherwise, from producers or retailers. Then, with the help of volunteers, we distribute the food to the recipients. These are people w…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Together for Tatra Mountains /Spolu pre Tatry/

Tatra Mountains are the smallest high mountains of the world. Even they are home to chamois and bears, they are under huge threat by gradual replacement of forests and meadows by apartment estates an…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Let's make it grow together!

We want to explore and pilot innovative and participatory approaches and co-design very practical solutions to re-set food supply chains in the Tisnov area. The project responds to current unsustaina…
Community development | Human rights

What's The Problem?

In a city where poverty and human rights violations are a norm, youngsters and working-class people cannot defend themselves from social injustices in any way and become hostages to a poor living env…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Diversity Space

Autistic people and Asperger´s do have a space to speak for themselves about their life style, interests, different ways of thinking and sensing this world. They have the right not to be presented as…
Community development | (Social) Entrepreneurship


Our project tackles the problem of low resilience and insufficient civic engagement of people living in areas with low civic cohesion in former Sudetenland. Our vision is to find, connect and support…
Community development | Social inclusion

Circles of Friends of the Elderly

Sitting alone in the room and watching the wall, thinking back to old times. Days pass by without talking to anyone. This is the reality of 60% of hungarian elderly, who are the most isolated in Euro…