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Profile Karolina Bieniek | Civic Europe

Karolina Bieniek

Community development | Environment and sustainability

50 Shades of Waste

“50 Shades of Waste” wants to investigate different shades of the waste topic, month by month taking into account The UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. The topic is strategical for the fut…
Community development | Law, advocacy and policy

Diversity in Storytelling

Polish government is waging a polarizing narrative war against LGBT, religious and refugee minorities in recent years. Many Poles believed these stories, e.g we became the most homophobic country in …
Social inclusion | Youth participation and empowerment

A Part for All

The project will increase civic engagement and participation of young people from vulnerable groups through their involvement in an action group. The project will provide them with tailor-made mentor…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Let's Inspire The Children

Through interactive activities, we will introduce basic democratic principles to the students from five different schools in Devin District. We will involve them in a community dialogue with the resp…
Social inclusion | Youth participation and empowerment

Green Leaves for a Rusted City

Shrinking cities like Genoa demand youth to halt decline and set a new fairer course. Thanks to a path to engage, train and leaderfully organize a diverse group of youngsters 16 to 25 we will challen…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Let's reduce our ecological footprint

The city councils, in collaboration with local associations and working with focus groups, will open a campaign to calculate the ecological footprint of the municipality. With the results, will have …
Social inclusion | Youth participation and empowerment

Playmake-REDS - Resist Engage Dialog Support

Playmake-REDS will turn a basketball playground into a space of civic engagement, social inclusion and active citizenship. HOW?! Bringing together different communities, students, youngsters and spor…
Environment and sustainability | Law, advocacy and policy

Rights in the Garden

In our community garden, we organize seasonal planting and harvesting every month, and we present a healthy, sustainable, circular farming model in practice, and in parallel, we create our educationa…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Giving is receiving

Youth in small communities (especially the ones coming out of institutional care) often lack valuable social skills and the mindset that they can be masters of their own destiny - in their personal l…
Karolina Bieniek commented: Very good idea! We keep our fingers crossed! And …
on Playmake-REDS - Resist Engage Dialog Support
Karolina Bieniek commented: Congrats! Great idea :) Young people are the acto…
on Green Leaves for a Rusted City
Karolina Bieniek commented: Congrats dear friends! We share a same faith in a…
on We are all our community - Activate Shipka
Karolina Bieniek commented: Dear colleagues from CVEK! We are voting for your…
on A Part for All
Karolina Bieniek commented: Hi Vukovar! We share the same hope, that by worki…
on Exploring Pathways to an Ecological Renaissance
Karolina Bieniek commented: Young people are the current change actors! Good …
on Giving is receiving
Karolina Bieniek commented: Hi! I see similarities between your Idea and our …
on Youth Educational Centre Găujani
Karolina Bieniek commented: Hi! This is very important, and unfortunately for…
on No One Is Free Until Everyone Is Free
Karolina Bieniek commented: Hi! Great topic, great name and very important pr…
on 50 Shades of Waste
Karolina Bieniek commented: Hi :) We consider working with school-kids as a v…
on Let's Inspire The Children