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Profile Karla_Krk | Civic Europe



Health | Social inclusion

A breath of fresh

The creation of a territorial network to face urgent assistance needs in a widespread and ready manner. We relevated a specific problem related to social impoverishment and nutrition in children. Th…
(Social) Entrepreneurship | Social inclusion


At our“Amalab”, lab for the creative integration, we offer, among other, free sewing courses for refugee and local women as an entry point to co-existence where women from different countries, cultur…
Community development | (Social) Entrepreneurship


Appenninol'Hub is a territorial network that enables communities in the Italian hinterland to thrive, supporting the generation of entrepreneurial ideas with transformative impact on the local econom…
Human rights | Social inclusion

Asylum-Seeking Women Enter the WorkForce

We arm 20 asylum-seeking women with employability skills to enter the local labor market & claim sustainable jobs, breaking the dependency on state-provided allowances. Low skills & unemployment is a…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Birthing eco-conscious active citizens

Challenge: empower & connect local communities. Objective: systemic change through active and responsible citizens. Approach: Establishing Ecotopias as eco-cultural educational participatory projects…
Community development | Social inclusion

Bottom-Up Integration

The integration of refugees in Portugal is mostly designed according to a top-down logic, with little to no participation of refugees and the host communities. Our idea, taking place in Braga, aims t…
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

Circular citizens - Cittadini circolari

Do you think it is possible to learn how to become an active citizen? We do! This is why we have created "Circular Citizens": a training cycle, made on weekends, focused on frail people (neet, un…
Community development | Social inclusion

CITIZEN-SHEEP - Civic challenges for pastoralists

Pastoralism is facing harsh times, as it is affected by abandonment, ageing and social disprestige, despite its well recognized socio-economic and environmental role. This initiative aims to build a …
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Connecting Roots

Rural areas of Castelló province are lacking innovative initiatives that make use and take care of their heritage and help to stop depopulation. We aim to get together the rural communities in a part…