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Profile Joanna Wojcik | Civic Europe

Joanna Wojcik

Joanna Wojcik

Community development | Social inclusion

Sport against extremism

The objective of “Sport against extremism” project is to stimulate the active participation of young animators and young people, in the context of intercultural dialogue, to present the sport as an e…
Community development | Education and research

Mediation in the School - the Power of Dialog

Our ideas and goals for the project participants are to use mediation methods in the school with their classmates, teachers, parents, and friends. Conflicts at school can cause bullying. Through the …
Education and research | Social inclusion

Our kids are our future

Children have the right to learn what's right, what's wrong, which are good and which are bad feelings, how they can protect themselves and prevent sexual abuse, they have the right to learn how and …
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Empathy through Movies

We are professional educators, locally renown civil promoters and facilitators of public discourse. In our work we often see a lack of empathy from our students, limiting their perceptions. In prepar…
Education and research | Social inclusion

All Equal Under the Sun

Roma people in the village of Napkor can only break the cycle of poverty through getting a quality education for their kids. It is crucial for them to learn to get their voice heard. Our objectives a…
Education and research

Teaching Teachers to Teach Citizens

Tolerance, respect for others, defence of democratic values are notions that we gain at home. If we don´t, we can still learn them at school. But it´s much more difficult. It´s why we need the best t…
Community development | Social inclusion

Women of Change

We want to answer the challenge of women discrimination, including domestic violence, by creating time and space where women from different social and cultural background can meet together, develop, …
Joanna Wojcik commented: Hello! It's very interesting idea. We hope we can…
on All Equal Under the Sun
Joanna Wojcik commented: Hello! It's very interesting idea. We hope we can…
Joanna Wojcik commented: Hello! It's very interesting idea. We are also ai…
on School of Empathy
Joanna Wojcik commented: Hello! It's very interesting idea. It is such an …
on PACIFY: ambassadors for non-violence online
Joanna Wojcik commented: Hello! It's very interesting idea. We hope we can…
on Center for shared learning “I’m, therefore we’re”
Joanna Wojcik commented: Hello! It's very interesting idea. We hope we can…
on Our kids are our future