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Profile Iva Boneva | Civic Europe

Iva Boneva

Iva Boneva

Arts and cultural activities

A fairer world through the theater.

The main objective is to transmit to Segovian society, through theater, the importance of contributing together to the construction of a fairer society. The project tries to involve all the society t…

Let's go beyond borders

The project aims to prevent and combat the spread of online hate speech and disinformation through media literacy education and initiatives of young people from the regions of Sofia and Vidin. We wo…
Environment and sustainability | Community development


We intend to create a civic living lab to build resilience and collectively overcome our local, communitary and ecological vulnerability, in the face of the global crisis scenarios we are actually de…
Environment and sustainability

Don't be a WASTEists!

Schools represent one of the basic pillars of every society. They teach children to be a part of a community and skills they'll need in future. Why not let them teach grownups and take charge? Throug…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Food and Art Forest in Vojnić

By following one of the main permaculture principles of integrating rather than segregating, the project of developing a food forest in Vojnić aims to bring together a group of women of diverse ethni…
Arts and cultural activities


Today photography is an alternate language we all communicate in on a daily basis. In Bulgaria, outside the big cities, there is no access to any form of photography education. Even in the big cit…
Social inclusion

See You in Agora (See You in Aγορά)

At the Taranto Chamber of Commerce we bring together donor bodies and local associations to finance their ideas, promote Europlanning with seminars on Eu programming and public/private cooperation, v…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Democracy in a regenerating human ecosystem

In a cultural desert, we create a natural hub, together, to share stories, knowledge, art and practices, to tear down walls between people and co-create a place of thriving abundance for the younges…
Social inclusion | Community development

Symbios - shared housing

The project deals with the problem of the transition of young adults from institutional care to independent living. We provide shared living in the flat house, where each flat is shared by one studen…
Iva Boneva commented: Great project idea! We supported it. Please check…
on Cemeteries found. Cultural heritage in the periphe
Iva Boneva commented: Great project idea! We supported it. Please check…
on Assistance Dog-Journey to Professional Growth
Iva Boneva commented: Great project idea! We supported it. Please check…
on UrJu preserving urban green through body awareness
Iva Boneva commented: Great project idea! We supported it. Please check…
Iva Boneva commented: Great project idea! We supported it. Please check…
on A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed
Iva Boneva commented: Great project idea! We supported it. Please check…
on Collaborative art installation "The Walls Speak"
Iva Boneva commented: Great project idea! We supported it. Please check…
on Archive Slum Lepe
Iva Boneva commented: Great project idea! We supported it. Please check…
Iva Boneva commented: Great project idea! We supported it. Please check…
on NaturPI - Working with and for the local community
Iva Boneva commented: Great project idea! We supported it. Please check…
on Generator