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Profile Iulian SVASTA | Civic Europe



Social inclusion

"STEMpowering" Women in Prison

Victor Hugo once said “He who opens a school door, closes a prison”. The main aim of this project is to offer women enclosed in the prison of Eleona, Greece access to a STEAM (Science-Technology-Engi…
Social inclusion

The children of today – the leaders of tomorrow

Our idea is aimed at children aged 7 to 18 living in a region with low civic cohesion. Through the trainings provided in the project, the children will develop the ability to think critically, to add…
Social inclusion

The ones left behind

The ones left behind: the children left after parents went for a temporary period of time to work abroad. They are being left in the care of the extended family or sometimes in the orphanages. We wan…
Community development

Together against drugs

The aim is to prevent a large number of criminal acts committed by drug addicts. The direct target group - families and relatives of addicts, indirectly affecting the addicts themselves. Misunders…
Social inclusion

Voices and facts for a more inclusive society

It is difficult to change public policies when data describing the situation of disadvantaged children and families are not sufficiently known to the public and when the voices of these people are no…

Youth Empowerment in Rural Area

Youth Empowerment in Rural Area is a project that brings to the public agenda of Romanian entities (the vision of young people on areas that have a direct impact on them, especially the diversificati…
Iulian SVASTA commented: Anna, Congratulations for your project idea who i…
on Voices and facts for a more inclusive society
Iulian SVASTA commented: Pandora, congratulations for your project idea wh…
on "STEMpowering" Women in Prison
Iulian SVASTA commented: Gabriela, congratulations for your project idea w…
on Forgotten Kids