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Profile House of Nature | Civic Europe

House of Nature

House of Nature

Community development

Learning democracy from children

Living democracy in our schools positively influences children and their future but it also affects their parents and other very diverse members of our local communities. As our experience has shown…
Environment and sustainability

LEGIT - Laboratory for an Ecological Citizenship

LEGIT is an open lab striving to develop participatory and grassroots ecological citizenship, through an eco-parliament, community radio and book, participatory documentary and open letters. We are b…

Lessons from the Past to Build a Better Future

Our project will be based on documenting of memories of witnesses of the key events of the 20th century such as veterans of the WWII, victims of Holocaust or political prisoners of the communist regi…
Community development


In a long period of big consecutive crises, which affect the island of Lesvos, Greece (i.e. economic crisis, migration flows, health/COVID-19 and an emerging new economic one) developing resilient me…
Social inclusion

Let’s play TABOO – forbidden words

Homosexuality, racism, sex education, feminism, home violence, the death penalty, are forbidden words but not for us. „Let’s play TABOO” is a project that is not afraid to raise the taboo subject. …

Let's talk about YOU(th)!

A public speaking competition for youth voice in 7 small cities. In a 3 minute speech, teenagers will talk about an important issue in their community, including a possible solution and a call for ac…
Community development

Let's Wake Up Sleeping Valleys

There are places in Slovakia that are massively underdeveloped and have no or low civic engagement. We will give them a chance by finding local HEROES - potential local leaders, with a dream and cour…
Community development

Let’s work together!

The public donation funds in Byala Slatina, Kozloduy and Oryahovo are set up with the support of “First of June” Association and are functioning to improve the quality of life of the local people. Th…
Social inclusion | Community development

Lifeology for teenagers – subject about you

through more than 100nonformal learning methods and activities,they are able to raise their skills for REAL LIFE.Through main 4 topics:Innerscience–how to find their strengths,weaknesses, selfrespect…
House of Nature commented: Salutări de la 15 km de Sighișoara, tocmai v-am t…
House of Nature commented:
House of Nature commented: Thank you! Keeping fingers crossed for you too, g…
on Good luck! Your idea is much needed and a valuable contribution!