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Profile Fundacja dla Śląska | Civic Europe

Fundacja dla Śląska

Fundacja dla Śląska

Community development

5th National campaign Food revolution day 2021

Obesity is a broad problem amongst Bulgarian children. Around 30% are overweight which makes the country 5th in Europe. Bulgaria is on top positions in children consumption of low nutrition food. Viа…
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

Small actions, big change

Every society encounters problems with poverty. The problem in itself is not poverty’s existence but the community's willingness and efforts aimed towards helping those who need it the most. We offer…
Community development

CivicKit:Empowering disengaged citizens to ACTion!

We would like to design and implement a Civicmobil (such as a civic education and vocational coaching caravan) for rural areas of Romania. Creating a community of Romanian future change makers by ena…
Social inclusion | Community development

Svilengrad Community

One spontaneous born and still non registered organization brought together a group of people who, ignoring prejudice and their own fears were ready to help. Inspired how people from different socia…
Community development

Today’s youth for tomorrow's civic leaders

In a country with an undeveloped civic society, we want to implement a project that creates the future civic leaders. 30 children will be the catalyzers in their community, increasing its capacity by…

Citizens’ Jury as new model for Direct Democracy

We aim to involve DIRECTLY the citizens in the decision-making level and to give a chance for EVERY woman and man to be heard. We shall give a chance for all, including those who feel excluded, beca…
Social inclusion | Community development

The New Generation of Successful Roma

The New Generation of Successful Roma is a community whose purpose is to eliminate prejudices so that we want to educate "elite leaders." We develop, support and mentor to succeed in education, busin…
Social inclusion | Community development

Connecting Romania

During the pandemic a gap has been created: a gap between the ones that have access to the internet and proper devices and the ones that do not. We want to decrease the gap by ensuring the basic nece…
Environment and sustainability

Pazin River of Cooperation - Pazin ROCks

PAZIN ROCks is an innovative model of participatory approach that offers a recognition of common values among those with conflicting interests around a local problem, so future cooperation can be bui…
Fundacja dla Śląska commented: Thank you very much, and greetings to :)
on Greetings from Greece. We hope your project will be autorised!
Fundacja dla Śląska commented: Thank you very much :)
on Great idea! We support you!