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Profile Fundacja dla Śląska | Civic Europe

Fundacja dla Śląska

Fundacja dla Śląska

Social inclusion


We intend to stimulate the inclusion and integration in Bari and Apulia region, of migrant and refugee children of second generation, working on a child-centred approach, both at the educational and …
Social inclusion | Community development

Chitalishte in a Box

This initiative addresses the exclusion in scarcely populated villages with no multifunctional public space that allows common age-friendly initiatives. Its objective is to overcome the social distan…
Community development

#cisneklate. Polish First Aid project.

#cisneklate is a polish educational project about First Aid in Greater Poland. In 2018 it was a social campaign, we have reached 90 000 people by social media. In 2021 we want to: - create a Mobil…


The project aims to empower citizens and NGOs as equal participants in the management of Kaspichan municipality along with the legally elected governing bodies through civic education, active public …
Community development

Citizens' Assembly on the Future of Kisavas

Our proposal is for a radical change to democracy in Miskolc that cuts through partisan politics and ensures quality decisions: let 50 randomly selected local citizens decide together how to develop …

Citizens’ Jury as new model for Direct Democracy

We aim to involve DIRECTLY the citizens in the decision-making level and to give a chance for EVERY woman and man to be heard. We shall give a chance for all, including those who feel excluded, beca…
Social inclusion

Citizens of Europe

In a period of strong divisions and mistrust towards the European institutions, the project 'Citizens of Europe' pursues the objective of developing relations between the European Union system and di…
Community development

Citizens of Green Intentions

We want to enable citizens of Dubrovnik to participate in creating a more sustainable and inclusive urban food system. For a healthy sustainable future, it is necessary to connect with what we eat …
Community development

Civic Aid in Knitting Favorable Boundaries

Knitting boundaries is a platform for raising communication between alienated groups as well as ‘bonding ties’ among them. Individuals who want to start with systematical agriculture production encou…
Fundacja dla Śląska commented: Thank you very much, and greetings to :)
on Greetings from Greece. We hope your project will be autorised!
Fundacja dla Śląska commented: Thank you very much :)
on Great idea! We support you!