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Profile Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji | Civic Europe

Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji

Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji

Community development | Environment and sustainability

Roadmap to Common Future

Quiet mountain villages around Jelovica plateau are becoming a tourist hot-spot. In the hands of 9 local communities lies a big responsibility: timely and joint decision for a sustainable future. N…
Community development | Journalism

Voice of the civil socaiety

We strive for greater visibility and recognition of civil society, the NGO sector, and ethnic and migrant groups through media engagement. We want to create a well-equipped community studio that woul…
Community development | Human rights

Do Better Together

In the smallest settlements - the villages around Pleven, are living the poorest people, the ones with underdeveloped economic situation and lowest quality of life. In such places the civic activity …
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Community Co-creation of ‘Mission Maribor’

The city of Maribor (SLO) has started on a mission to become one of the best places to live, work and visit in Europe, and carbon-neural by 2030. So far, this is thanks to a core team of passionate i…
Community development

‘Workers’ Parliament’

In Hungary, we experience that people has drifted apart. We are divided, party politics has divided us. But in a well-functioning democracy everyone should go on towards a common goal. We, civilians …
Arts and cultural activities | Community development


Improvement of community life in small settlements in Varna region who live in poverty, social isolation and do not have access to cultural events and contacts outside their villages, restoring at th…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Youth Educational Centre Găujani

In rural areas civil Society is almost non-existent, the voice of young people is not expressed or heard. Our project offers means of empowerment to young people for them to increase the quality of t…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Migrants Integration Community (MIC)

Creation of the series of short films by and for migrants presenting their daily life in Poland will show their uneasy way with all ups and downs of the living in the foreign country. It will help to…
(Social) Entrepreneurship | Social inclusion


At our“Amalab”, lab for the creative integration, we offer, among other, free sewing courses for refugee and local women as an entry point to co-existence where women from different countries, cultur…
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Activating communities
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Intertwined
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Migrants Integration Community (MIC)
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Outdoor social workhop center
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Academy "Show me to know, help me to be!"
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Sexuality and Consent in Disability
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Before Your Eyes
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Make news vs Fake news
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on The apogee of youth