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Profile Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji | Civic Europe

Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji

Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji

Community development

"Citizens for Community"

Create 10 oases in the „civic deserts” in the region of Vidin, Bulgaria by infusing 7 polyvalent AGORA method to activate the communities’ immunity. National and local peer support networks will lead…
Community development | Social inclusion


The main goal of the IOT project is to build the capacity of NGOs in the municipalities of Madjarovo, Lyubmets, Svilengrad to meet the challenges related to Kovid-19 by developing guidelines and poli…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development


The Culture for Cooperation project reacts to the lack of cooperation between different institutions and communities in Košice. We plan to open the dialogue and engage representatives of all cultural…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Listen to our voice: Young people as policy makers

Often youths feel like a lone voice crying in the wilderness, because they remain unheard by the so called decision makers. Can we give an instrument in the hands of youths that, like a megaphone, am…
Community development | Social inclusion

Deciding in times of crisis: together is better

We have designed actions to mitigate risks to public participation and oversight in virtual decision-making environments, which local authorities across Bulgaria have introduced in response to the CO…
Social inclusion | Youth participation and empowerment

Debate Space

We will empower workers of community spaces in the capital and in the countryside to run and organise debate clubs through a series of workshops in team building, debate and our debate game "VoxPop''…
Journalism | Youth participation and empowerment


The project will engage citizens in the production of bottom-up bradcasting news on the EU and the Cohesion Policy, to highlight their impact at local level, the opportunities for rural areas and sti…
Community development | Human rights

Empowering garment workers

Garment workers need empowering solutions. Trade unions are avoided as workers fear being fired. The culture of fear is so strong, that workers prefer to talk and act anonymously when it comes to ab…
Environment and sustainability | Youth participation and empowerment

Something about YOU-TH

Co-projecting a space, the ground floor of the former furnaces and other 4 public places (to be located through the project steps), offering young people (age 15 to19 years) the opportunity to shape …
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Activating communities
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Intertwined
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Migrants Integration Community (MIC)
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Outdoor social workhop center
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Academy "Show me to know, help me to be!"
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Sexuality and Consent in Disability
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Before Your Eyes
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Make news vs Fake news
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on The apogee of youth