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Profile Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji | Civic Europe

Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji

Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji

Human rights | Social inclusion

Professional realization of blind people

Aproximately 2000 blind and partially sighted people aged under sixty live in Sofia region of Bulgaria. About 20% of them are employed. The rest majority of 80% of these people are jobless. The main…
Health | Social inclusion

Protect Our Children's Mental Health

One of the most disturbing and underestimated trend of our times is an impact of technology development to our kids' menthal health. We have been observing our kids in front of their screen for a cou…
Community development | Social inclusion

Provoke a change

The project will mobilize civil energy in two Bulgarian cities in a challenging situation to improve civil participation and bring for positive change in the areas of education, healthcare and social…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Psychedelic with the Classics

We identified the problem and found a positive potential in the people affected: cultural pursuits and motivation to improve their lives. We will engage a youth community in a village and a pilot gro…
Community development | Social inclusion

Rabute of Istria

For centuries the villagers of Istria were helping each other in a tradition of voluntary charity actions called “rabute”. The tradition was lost due to modern individualism and conflicts in the vill…
Community development | Social inclusion

Radio DOC

The medium is the message, and also the solution. Radio Doc is a permanent civic engagement tool, free from political conditioning, opened to the participation of young people, associations, and citi…
Community development | Social inclusion

Re-Activating Community Life in The Village

The elderly in Leskovets suffer the consequences of the demographic and political crisis: exclusion, loneliness, low civic cohesion, and demotivation. On the other hand, newcomers-downshifters' striv…
Community development

RE.CO.VER:REbuilding by a COmmunity basEd appRoach

Can you imagine rebuilding a place heavily damaged by an earthquake without the involvement of its inhabitants? Certainly not! The project aims to bring citizens point of view into the rebuilding …
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

Recycling Culture

Recycling plastics that are most harmful to nature - shredding plastics in a mill and making materials for 3D printing on a plastic extrusion machine with which we will hold further workshops on plas…
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Activating communities
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Intertwined
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Migrants Integration Community (MIC)
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Outdoor social workhop center
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Academy "Show me to know, help me to be!"
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Sexuality and Consent in Disability
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Before Your Eyes
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Make news vs Fake news
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on The apogee of youth