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Profile Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji | Civic Europe

Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji

Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji

Community development | Social inclusion


The main goal of the IOT project is to build the capacity of NGOs in the municipalities of Madjarovo, Lyubmets, Svilengrad to meet the challenges related to Kovid-19 by developing guidelines and poli…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Ischia Policy School

Lo scopo è creare una Scuola che dia nozioni di politica e faccia conoscere ai giovani il significato, le strutture e l'importanza della società civile. Incoraggiare il loro coinvolgimento attivo ne…
Community development | Health

It’s on Our Plate and We Care

How to build a healthy environment for the whole school community, while respecting the boundaries of our planet? Almost everyone agrees that healthy school nutritional environment is important, but …
(Social) Entrepreneurship | Youth participation and empowerment

It’s Up to Us | От нас зависи

We want to organize an 8-week entrepreneurship program in several small municipalities in North-West Bulgaria, which would encourage local people to look for opportunities for developing their region…
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

KaFsimo–Active citizenship by recycling coffee!

KaFsimo is a community coffee-recycling project that addresses waste, environmental responsibility and social inclusion. Objectives:change consumer behavior; provide social and economic inclusion; …
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Kino Guarimba

Kino Guarimba is a film residency addressed to young filmmakers from all over the world who will come to our small town to shoot original short films in collaboration with the local community. At lea…
Community development | Social inclusion

Kitchen connects tastes and cultures

People, especially young ones, are increasingly staying in their apartments where they spend time on smart gadgets. Social contact between people is very limited, sometimes only possible through onli…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Klajn Park

Klajn Park is a design-and-build community project using public participation in the decision-making, planning, design, and building of a pocket park aiming at social cohesion in a rural and deprived…
Community development | Social inclusion

KONCEPT- Community and culture hub

Our main objective is to bring homeless people closer to society through meetings, performances, lectures, exhibitions and discussions. Our idea is to create and develop a social-orientated community…
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Activating communities
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Intertwined
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Migrants Integration Community (MIC)
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Outdoor social workhop center
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Academy "Show me to know, help me to be!"
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Sexuality and Consent in Disability
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Before Your Eyes
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on Make news vs Fake news
Fundacja Kreatywnych Innowacji commented: Hello, We find your idea exciting. We also think,…
on The apogee of youth