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Profile European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor | Civic Europe

European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor

European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor

Arts and cultural activities | Environment and sustainability

Kompostopia: composting our way to community!

Our main challenge is to transcend our egos and discover meaningful & entertaining ways to earn our livelihood, connect community, improve ourselves & our environment. Objective: host participatory e…
Community development

Cultural revival project for the city of Pila

We want to activate the residents to revive spirit of the city of Piła and to rediscover its identity. For the most part, it is inhabited by newcomers and foreign population, whose members are not wi…
Community development

Generation Bridge

The seniors and youths separated by modern world developments get together to bridge their competences one to another. The youths teach how the seniors to use digital devices and seniors teach the yo…
Community development

To help ourselves by helping the community

Creating a working group in order to develop concrete steps to form a flexible, creative and resourceful group of young people to identify the problems of individuals in the community and work active…
Social inclusion

Bridging the Social Gap

The Project aims to train volunteers and Third Sector operators and make them specialists in terms of issues and processes related to social dialogue. Our core activity is the educational program (fo…


BLACK on WHITE aims at offering to middle schools the possibility to share social and civic problems through the drawing up a school newspaper, made by students for students. The approach to achieve …


To build a transition community platform for economic social and educational change with active citizenship based on the sociocracy and neighborocracy model, through the main actions. Create a cooper…
Environment and sustainability

The living waters of Maritsa river

Maritsa River is the biggest river in Bulgaria and the purity of its waters and shores and the biodiversity in and around it, is of key importance for the entire Thracian lowland. But unfortunately, …
Social inclusion

"Step forward!"

Our idea is to work on a training program for young women mostly from marginalized groups – girls of Roma origin, those who are living in low-populated villages, endangered with early school exclusio…
European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor commented: Thank you! Greetings from Slovenia. Jelena
on Very interesting and useful project, congrats!
European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor commented: Hvala, podpiramo vas že od začetka dragi sodržavl…
on Podpiram, vabim vas, da pogledate tudi našo idejo :)
European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor commented: Dear colleagues! We are both committed to the sus…
on Root yourself
European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor commented: Dear colleagues! We are both committed to the sus…