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European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor

European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor

Arts and cultural activities | Environment and sustainability

The Mountain of Suspended Time

Time feels like an inescapable measure for those whose lives are ruled by the rat race, caught up in the relentless pace of the modern city. But in the mountains, time is suspended, almost impercepti…
Community development

The wolf is coming!

The conflict between extensive pastoralism farming and wolf is probably the most paradigmatic in the Iberian Peninsula regarding natural resources and biodiversity. Coexistence, while lasting almost …
Community development


Many initiatives across Eu Countries allowed Youth to be more engaged and aware about the relevance of debate as for both individual daily life-styles and complex evolution of globalizing economies. …


Children are the future creators of this world, it is our responsibility to shape their values and principles so their decisions and actions may generate positive effects. Our aim is to contribute to…

Bridging the troubled waters

Local referenda (LR) are common tool for participatory decision making on sensitive issues, affecting everyday life of communities in Czechia. In order to be legally binding and soothing, these cruci…
Arts and cultural activities


Today photography is an alternate language we all communicate in on a daily basis. In Bulgaria, outside the big cities, there is no access to any form of photography education. Even in the big cit…

Take Action!

What would happen if young people were to take on the role of local authorities and try to detect and solve their local community's challenges? Take action! aims to strengthen youth work and empower…

Have a say!

Youth is often lack of interest in democratic life and they are indifferent about social issues. We aim to motivate them to be active citizens and to promote social inclusion by encouraging them to a…
Social inclusion

See You in Agora (See You in Aγορά)

At the Taranto Chamber of Commerce we bring together donor bodies and local associations to finance their ideas, promote Europlanning with seminars on Eu programming and public/private cooperation, v…
European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor commented: Thank you! Greetings from Slovenia. Jelena
on Very interesting and useful project, congrats!
European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor commented: Hvala, podpiramo vas že od začetka dragi sodržavl…
on Podpiram, vabim vas, da pogledate tudi našo idejo :)
European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor commented: Dear colleagues! We are both committed to the sus…
on Root yourself
European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor commented: Dear colleagues! We are both committed to the sus…