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Profile European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor | Civic Europe

European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor

European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor

Environment and sustainability | Community development

Walkers on Water

In a civic desert, can water be a solution? The Olympic Village is a neglected social housing neighbourhood in Greece, situated outside the urban fabric of Attica, used post-Olympics as a settlement…
Social inclusion | Community development

The Delicious Gardens of Vasilitsa

In 2005 the team of Vasilitsa created the first educational one in Varna garden. Inspired by the wonderful results and the great interest, we would like to continue our initiative. Our idea is to mu…


To address the identified challenges before of civic participation deficit and reluctance of local administration to open to stakeholders and to involve them in the decision-making process, the proje…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Journey between faith, history and beauty

Italy is the custodian of the world's treasures. Treasures preserved in small unknown places. We intend to discover the tourist appeal of an area of southern Italy to stimulate the spirit of belongin…

Voices Against Domestic Violence

Gender inequality is one of the causes as well as consequences of domestic violence. We want to give stronger voices to those who are not able to speak out. In cooperation with local active citizens,…


Project’s aim is raising civic awareness and mobilising activism of 60 secondary school students in 2 small towns in the North of Poland, Rumia & Reda.It offers workshops, youth fundraising, particip…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

New Megdan

Creating a digital platform which supports the Bulgarian folklore and traditions as a spirit of the Bulgarian modern civil society, allowing locals to state problems; to receive a legal support in co…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Nature my Home

The project aims to strengthen the community by raising awareness of the local heritage and unique biodiversity of the primeval forest of Kočevski Rog as well as creating opportunities for non-formal…
Social inclusion


“WORK(OUT)SIDE THE BOX“ wants to encourage discussion in the rural area of Imotski about physical exercise and suppress stareotypes existing due to the general view that workout exclusively serves as…
European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor commented: Thank you! Greetings from Slovenia. Jelena
on Very interesting and useful project, congrats!
European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor commented: Hvala, podpiramo vas že od začetka dragi sodržavl…
on Podpiram, vabim vas, da pogledate tudi našo idejo :)
European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor commented: Dear colleagues! We are both committed to the sus…
on Root yourself
European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor commented: Dear colleagues! We are both committed to the sus…